all these dramas....

...are annoying.


Writers write to tell a story. Not to gain popularity. 

Readers read because they want to be entertained, or to learn. Not to please the writer.


People writing stories to please other people are writing craps.

People reading stories to get into the good side of the writer are hypocrites.


Writing and reading are two sacred things. These are like vocations, done without the need to be told.

Honest. Truthful. Real.






I wish people would just stop making a fool of themselves. 

Because I'm basically so tired of seeing all these sorts of stupidity.




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Cheonsa what happen? :(
I know some people here are sometimes so rude and leave hate comments to the writer. Some of my friends experience that as well. But haters gonna hate, cherish the readers who love you :) cheer up
why? o__o what happened? u_________u