This has been bugging me

Ok so this something that has been bugging me for the past 3 days and I just need to vent. 
Ok so there's this guy lets call him Pete cuz I like that name. I used to like him and we flirted for months. I hesitated accepting his date offers. Which I had a good reason for doing that. I has just gotten out of a 4 year relationship with Adam. It was a mutual break up and it was due to him being away at college and the lack of communication we had with each other. It wasn't because either of us didn't like each other anymore or one did something wrong. It just wasn't the same. 
Anyways Pete knew about that and you know he was cool about it. Well I started liking not "falling in love." With him. Well after a bit we started losing touch. He got a new job that required longer hours and I started college. 
Well since we started talking less the feelings I did have disappeared and what not. Right now I'm interested in someone else but that's another story.
Anyways he wasn't really the person that cause me to want to rant. 
So three days ago I got a friend request on fb. It was from a girl and the only friend we had in common was Pete. I deleted the request because I didn't want to add someone I didn't know. Well the next day she sent me another request along with someone else. Well that someone else's profile picture was with the girl and the only friend I had in common with them was with Pete. I ignored the request. I'm like stalkers but thank god my fb profile is restricted. 
Well on my Instagram I had a few new followers I'm like cool w.e. So I click on their profiles to follow back and what not. Well one of my new followers was the girl that has been trying to add me on Facebook. I'm like dude wtf!?!?
I met Pete outside of school so we don't really know the same people. I only really know his brother (which Is very cute) and his sister. He's only met my friend Amber. So I'm like who is this girl. 
Sooooo... Turns out it's his girlfriend he started dating like a week ago. Most of our messaging and flirting was through Facebook because it was easier to message me while he was at work or at school. We also texted when he was home. 
Well she comments on one of my pics on Instagram and says "you're so pretty ..." As blah blah.  I start laughing hysterically since I'm like b.s. But you know I'm like "thanks" well she starts a convo and I'm like ok w.e. Let's see why she keeps trying to friend me. After a bit of ice breaker question she starts asking me about Pete and our friendship. Then she asks me questions hinting at if I still like him or whatnot. 
I'm like please. I haven't really talk to Pete in like a long time maybe 2 months. The last time we talked on fb was like 6 months ago and the last text we sent was of him asking about a band or something like that. I'm not interested and if you stalk me well enough in my Instagram and pay attention to my fb you can clearly see who I currently like. 
I know I said my fb is restricted but you could prob still tell. 
But yea... It bugs me that she was stalking me a bit. I'm not jealous or anything. Like I said when that flirting took place it was just flirting and I really didn't want anything cuz I just ended a relationship. Now I like someone else and I could really careless about Pete he's a cool guy and what not but he's not someone I'm going to go try to get with. 
Idk.. I hate those types of girlfriend who are like that if you get me. Like I had friend like that or knew guys friends who had girls like that. Yea they're not fun...
Well I'm done ranting ...


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Well I know. And i don't stalk you. And poor baby.
Poor sweetie you have stalkers... Tsss tss, that girl... Vipers, that's how I call people like this. Ready to stab you in the back *shivers* Leave me the alone !
christina73 #3
Goog god if she is that insecure that she is stalking any female he might have went out with or talked to before she came around then i suggest she either put a shock collar on hin to keep him from speaking or better yet maybe she shoukd try getting therapy....who does like that???? U shoild have politely told her when she asked you if u were stkll knterested in him......"do uou really think he would be with you if i still wanted him..hmmmmm my parents always said to donate my old toys to those less fortunate so have fun with your hand me downs" lol its mean but very effective