Survey that I got from WonderBinnie unnie~

♥//Hair Colour: Dark brown

♥//Hair Length: Just above shoulders

♥//Eye colour: Brown

♥//Height: 156 cm (keke... i'm kinda short!)

♥//Braces:  no

♥//Glasses: Yep

♥//Piercings: Two (But i'm gonna have more soon!)

♥//Tattoos: No cuz my parents hate that! :{

♥//Righty or Lefty: Righty

___Have you ever______

♥//Kissed a Stranger: No

♥//Had Alcohol:  erm... I'm just 16 but yeah... I tried some when I was younger... but not now

♥//Smoked: No cuz it's bad for health

♥//Ran Away From home: Nope cuz I don't know anywhere else to go! keke

♥//Broke a bone: yeah once!

♥//Got an X-ray: Yeah once too!

♥//Broken Someoneones Heart: Yes once too~ that was my first love! keke

♥//Cried When Someone Died: Yes cuz that was my grand parents

♥//Cried At School: Yes cuz they didn't treat me well when I was young

___Do You Believe In___ 

♥//God: Maybe

♥//Miracles: Yes

♥//Love At First sight: Yes

♥//Ghosts: YES

♥//Aliens: Yes

♥//Soul Mates: Yes :)

♥//Heaven: Yes

♥//Hell: Yes

♥//Angels: Yep

♥//Kissing on The First Date: No

♥//Kissing Friends: No

♥//Horoscopes: YES somethimes

___Your 'Firsts'___

♥//First real best M8s: Jenny, Ngan, etc 

♥//First Award: I don't remember cuz maybe I don't have one! hehe

♥//First Sport You Joined: Basketball, Netball, Swimming, Running, Volleyball and blah blah

♥//First pet: Bon (it's a lovely dog!)

♥//First Real Vacation: Singapore

♥//First Concert: Never been there but I will be on oneday soon! hehe

♥//First REAL love: My ex-classmate

___ Favourites___

♥//Movie: too many...

♥//TV programme: Shining Inheritance

♥//Colour: Orange, Brown, Purple, Blue, Green

♥//Favourite brand: I don't have any

♥//Rapper: MIr(MBLAQ), Key(SHINee) and Junhyung (Beast)

♥//Band: MBLAQ, BEAST, Shinee. U-Kiss, SuJu, Supernova, 2AM, 2PM, DGNA, T-ara, SECRET, After School, B.E.G, Kara

♥//Song Right Now: CRY - MBLAQ

♥//Friends: Joanne, Jenny, Diana, Emily and etc 

♥//Sweet/Chocolate: chocolate

♥//Sport: Netball (it's a lame Oz sport but I like it!

♥//Restaurant/Cafe: I can't remember the name.

♥//Store: I don't also remember the name

♥//Book: I really love BURNT ALIVE of Souad

♥//Magazine: Style

♥//Shoes: Any shoes are fine :D

♥//Animal: Dogs


♥//Feeling?: Sleepy

♥//Single or Taken?: Single but i wanna be taken hehe

♥//Have a crush: Nope

♥//Eating: everything

♥//Drinking: water

♥//Listening To: MBLAQ- Cry

♥//Thinking About: Some new ideas for my fanfics

♥//Wanting To: travel overseas

♥//Watching:Assorted Gems

♥//Wearing: A T-shirt, shorts

___Your Future___

 ♥//Want to be married?: Yes if a man loves me

♥//Careers in Mind: Doctor

♥//Where do you want to live: New York

♥//Car: I don't know anything about cars but I'm pretty sure that I'll have one soon maybe next or 2 more years... after I get a license

__Which is Better With The Opposite ___

♥//Ethnicity: Asian or European

♥//Hair colour: Black or brown

♥//Hair length: It can be short or long, but not too long :D

♥//Eye colour: green or blue

♥//Personality: Caring, Nice, Funny, Gentle, Smart

♥//Cute or y: Y HOT

♥//Lips or Eyes: Eyes, I always look man's eyes first

♥//Hugs or Kisses: Both

♥//Short or Tall: Don't really care. He just needs to be taller than me

♥//Easy going or serious: Easy going

♥//Romantic or Spontaneous: Both

♥//Fatty or Skinny: I don't care about that :)

♥//Sensitive or Loud: Um...Both

♥//Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship

♥//Sweet or Caring: Caring

♥//Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Both are fine

______Would I Ever_____

 ♥//Go Bungie Jumpin; NO! But I wanna do that!

♥//Eat An Insect: NO but I will eat on one day!

♥//Ask Someone(A Boy) Out: NOPE! :(NOPENOPE 


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ppz_uk #1
yeh... I really like that drama and also the cast!^^ so it's also my fave too!
We have so many things common :) You like Shining Inheritance too??? It's my fave :D
haha...ur a softie...buggy jumping is the best