
I have a new FFO account which is ONLY for fanfiction. I won't be telling anyone my name on there, and if you somehow manage to find me, then I dunno. I'll give you browny points.

No I kid.

If you manage to find me, I'll put your name in my About Me section in my new account. You still get the browny points.

Actually no.

You get house points.

So like, comment on my wall saying who you are and what house (Harry Potter bro) you want to be in and I'll reply saying 'blahblah points to blahblahblah'


What am I even doing.


The key to finding me is I shall use the same about me as I do on this account, only slightly edited. Keep a look out on the One-Shot tag on FFO, and mine will be the painfully obvious one, well, painfully obvious so long as you've been paying attention to my blogs lately.


Have fun!


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