Not Enjoying This Night Much

Feeling irritated and uneasy.  Not to mention, feelings of anxiety.


This is not good. I guess I should just get an early sleep.


I hate the fact that I didn't have much fun on the internet tonight.


Better rest now and become a slave at work again tomorrow.


Sigh~ I'm craving for milk tea.


I really don't understand myself.


**Gives up and goes to bed**


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If you dont mind me asking (and if you dont mind answering, im just worried and want you to bw happy and healthy) has anything happened recently that would affect the way you have been lately?
Same with me... But the wifi had a problem for me >.>
Unnie, you should try to get more sleep. I shouldn't talk though since im such a night owl.
*hugs* from former BangthatKZZ ;) hope you get some good sleep and feel better then, maybe it'll be better tomorrow. Somtimes it's really slow online..
/pats your back/
Sorry for my late rp replies by the way. Goodnight, hope tomorrow's a better day.