◜ beautiful alien | specimen #02386 — Park Jin Hee ◞


specimen #02386
{  the midget — Park Jin Hee }


Username: --icecream
Hyperlink: Click
Name: ​​ Mary
Activeness: 8

Name: Jeanne Park
Korean Name: Park Jin Hee
Age:​​ 18
Place of Birth: Accel
Height: 159
Weight: 47kg
Face claim: Kim Shin Yeong
Gallery: 1 2 3 4 5
Back-up Face claim: Jung Roo
Gallery: 1 2 3 4 5

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Personality: Quiet? Lazy? That's the exact opposite of what she's like. She's extremely talkative and never seems to run out of topics to talk about, which makes her the reason for the lack of awkward silences. This also makes her easy to talk to, considering she's often hyper and joyful. Though others look at this factor of hers as a good thing, others see it as annoying, as she can sometimes be too loud for the smallest of reasons. Also, Jin Hee, being a perfectionist, always wants to get things done.  She may be loud, but not doing things properly will make her silent until she finishes fixing whatever it is that was not neatly done in the first place. 

Background: Her parents had always wanted things done right—same as her. Apparently, despite her cheerful persona, other kids chose to avoid her because of her OCD. She always nagged at them whenever they did something carelessly, resulting in them getting irritated, and her feeling bad. This is why she started to, instead of nagging while fixing things, stayed quiet while placing things where they belonged or doing things the way they were supposed to be done. As a child, she used to be afraid of what people thought about her, which is why she changed her old habit, but realizing that life was too short to limit yourself, she threw aside others' opinions of her and lived life the way she wanted.

  • Inherited the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from her parents. OCD is characterized by a asive pattern of orderliness and perfectionism.
  • Very gullible. She trusts her friends too much and is often fooled by their jokes.
  • Laughs at herself when embarrassed.
  • HATES silence. 
  • Her fingers twitch whenever she wants to say something but can't.
  • Though she likes things done well, she's very forgetful. This is the reason why people avoid asking her to bring things, and only ask her to do things.


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Love Interest: Lee Jeongmin

Interactions: JinHee is very open with Jeongmin while he likes listening to her and laughing along. Whenever she has a request, he always does his best to comply because he doesn't like disappointing her. Whenever he tells her a story, no matter how short, she listens attentively because she likes hearing him talk about himself or maybe something crazy that had happened the day before, or what he's eatenanything! As long as she gets to know him better, she's all ears. 

Notable traits: 

  • Sweet and caring towards the people around him.
  • Observant—knows when something is wrong immediately.
  • Understanding. Whenever something doesn't go the way he expected it to, he tries to understand the situation. Unfortunately, even when he tries to understand, he can't help but have that feeling of disappointment.
  • He knows how to react fast. Whenever something happens, he's always ready to help.


Power(s): Lightning, Control of weather.
Weapon: 1
Weakness(es): Closed spaces. (Claustrophobia) 


Comments/Suggestions: I hope you like this. Worked hard on it teehee.
Scene Request(s): Any scene as long as at some point she could be badass haha. 


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