Growl Poster

Okay, so here I was doing my image writing plot (you know like creating a plot in your can just refer to it as daydreaming) for chapter 6 of SFM and my dad suddenly comes in my room with a "I-can't-believe-you-did-it-again" face and I'm like puzzled on why he's looking like that and then he holds up a a rolled box which protects posters thingy and I liked remembered that my growl posters still hasnt arrived i just laughed and screamed and dad just rolled his eyes probably thinking on why his daughter spent her money on korean stuff. I seriously forgot that they're included in my package lol..well they did arrive like 2 weeks after my albums bahahaha..I'm still in considering buying the twinned poison photobook lololol..

Oh and I'm like excited to write my last 3 chapters for sfm..its gonna be such a sob story starting right now...


P.S. I find it funny writing these post as its only me who reads them bahahahahahahahahaa


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alize_sakura #1
Pii, I read your blog too~ oh well, sometime~ XD