The Dentist

I just got back from the dentist.

My teeth are aching.

They put rubber rings in my teeth to space them out.

It began to cause pain almost instantly.

Usually it takes effect overnight.

This took about a few seconds upon insertion to begin hurting.

I couldn't eat barbeque for dinner.

My dinner consisted of milk and yogurt.

They hurt, but I just have to deal with the pain.



I don't like my teeth.

I had braces for the past 6 years of my life. 

My top molars are growing out.

Those are the last teeth I need to grow out before getting my braces off.

But it is being blocked by my gums.

I had to get surgery 2 years ago to align and push put my bottom molars.

I hope I don't have to go through another one just for my top molars.



I also got my new bands for my braces.

I got them in pink.

Just like last time. ^^


Hmmm.... can't think of anything else to write.

I know there was more, but I forgot already.

Okay bye.






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"I couldn't eat barbeque for dinner." I'm sorry for your loss
Dang ur teeth went thro a lot....
I got braces and I had
a palette expander (it hurt bc I had to crank it to literally expand my mouth -.-")
A retainer
And now braces
Fun -.-" I just want to rip out my braces out of my mouth