People judge to easily, it's sad

    Ok so I have this "friend" who studies in Wicca (type of religion google it if your curious). Her whole family is Christian, she's still Christian and all that she's just found more of a connection to Wicca than Christianity. Her whole life, her family is pushing her to have beliefs she doesn't entirely believe. She's tried giving it a chance many times, trying to connect to  a god she doesn't even believe in is just.... stressful. What should she do? 


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OMG IM WICCAN!!!! Well she should just tell them to stop and that if they cared for her they wouldn't be like that. My moms catholic and my dads christian but they are low key like VERY low key religious and open minded so I dont deal witht hat
CallMehhBubz #2
Well your "Friend" shouldn't be forced into any religion that she doesn't believe in.. As long she is still the same and hasn't had any thoughts of killing off everyone who doesn't believe in what she does, Her family should still love her for who she is not what Religion she believes in....
No one should be forced to do any religion. NO ONE.
tell her to search for religions more thsn these two. not just search, ask ppl with diff religions themselves since not everything online is true.

the one she feels happy in. follow it and believe in it. slowly she can convince her parents why she accepted that religion and im sure at some point her parents wont force her on christianity anymore.they will get tiered.

if her parents r MEGA strict. she can secretly follow it then since she fells comfort in it.

just make sure to tell her to search more so she wont regret what religion she changed it like "ow man turns out blah is better than blah" and shed end up wasting time and confusing her self more and mixing between them

sorry not good in advices xD
musicismyworld #5
I think she should do whay feels right to her. Belief and religion shouldn't be about struggle. If she choses against. her families beliefs she will have to deal with a disapproving family but if she choses a religion that she doesn't feel is for her it will be just as bad. In a situation like this all I can advise is to do what feels best to her. Let her know you will be there for her no matter what decision she makes.