No Girls Allowed! Application

Basic Information.
Username: justify321
Profile Link:
Character Information.
Name: Dol ZhangHyun
Age & Date of Birth: 18yo 24th Feb 1993
Ethnicity (2 or less): Chinese / Korean
Gay/Straight/Bi: Gay
Religion: Christian
Birthplace: Singapore
Height & Weight: 186cm & 70kg

He can be a very stubborn person at times, and always helping others and never taking care of himself. He is very picky with food, and likes to keep fit most of the time, with the occasional sinful indulgence of ice cream. He is very outgoing and likes to mix with friends, but he can also be very over protective about them as well. He is always cheerful and brightens up the place with his eye smile.

Whenever he feels depressed, he starts eating ice cream. He is always meeting new friends and hanging out with them, never sticking to the same clique. He and the gym cannot be apart, whenever he has free time, he will hit the gym. He also loves to show off his body and is very narcissistic.

Background(No cliche sob stories):
He is brought up in a simplistic environment, where he is taught to treasure his friends and family. He stays with both his parents, and his grandmother. He is an only child. His friends are always around him, loving and caring for him. Because of his personality and looks, he is very well known in the neighbourhood, and also very protected by the neighbours when trouble ever comes knocking. His family is a musically inclined family and encourages his singing activities. His parents were once part of a neighbourhood band when he was young, and was inspired by them ever since.

1) Ice Cream

2) Music

3) Movies

4) Gym

5) Feeling loved

6) Animals

7) Cold Environment

8) Tight Clothings


1) Oily Food

2) The Dark

3) Being Lonely

4) Heights and Depths

5) Being Rejected

6) Melted Ice Cream

7) Snobbish People


1) Gymming

2) Playing Frisbee

3) Flying Kites

4) Helping at the Animal Shelter

5) Swimming


1) Tends to Unconsciously Take off Shirt

2) Talking very Loudly

3) Picky with Food

4) Get's distracted by guys with hot bodies

5) Looks in the mirror whenever he passes by one.

Fear of Heights and Darkness
Weakness to chilli and needles
How are you with kids, heights, roller coasters, sports, blood, & emergencies: Love kids alot. HATES HEIGHTS AND ROLLER COASTERS. Usually go to the gym and play frisbee in stead of playing popular sports. Whenever he sees blood he will be quick to see what happened and that helps him with emergencies.
Appearance & Clothing.

Name of Ulzzang: Shin Gwang Chul

Style(Casual, Formal, Swimming suit, Pajamas, and even a club outfit):

Casual :

He Loves wearing hoodies with a tight shirt inside that shows off his body or no shirt at all. He also wears very tight skinnies.



When doing sports, he always wears somthing comfortable.



he likes anything that basically hugs his body and showing off his curves.

Love Interest, Background, & Family.
Partner(choose top 3. If anyone from Boyfriend, B1A4, Dalmation, Ukiss, & Infinite is chosen then write their personalities):
1) No Minwoo from Boyfriend.
Minwoo is a very energetic and cute boy, he LOVES dancing and sweats alot, He doesn't like to do aegyo but is always forced to as his cute looks attracts people.
2) Kim Donghyun from Boyfriend.
Donghyun is a very fun loving kind of guy. He can be very serious if he wants to but always gives a smile whenever he feels down. Donghyun loves the gym and his body is one of the hottest in the school. He can also sing REALLY well.
3) Jeong Min from Boyfriend. Jeongmin loves looking at himself in the mirror and loves attention. He is very proud of his looks and loves to take pictures of himself. He likes to flirt with all the hot guys in school but never hook up with them.
Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend(optional but if chosen then state why):

Dol Dong Jun - 56 - Father

Choi Da Hae - 55 - Mother

Friends(name,age, relationship. up to 4+ friends. Only 1 idol):
Kim Sunggyu - 18 - Best Friend
Chris Kim - 16 - Gym buddy
Andrew Peter Low - 18 - Church Friend
Jun Hyun Yo - 17 - Church friend
Rivals & Why:
Lee KiKwang - The only other person, whose body and voice can match mine. He is always trying to best me.
Hating the Females.
What did they do to make you hate females:
They kept groping his and hording him when he is doing his work or just coming out of school.
How did you find out about S.A.I.(Seoul Art Institute):
His parents decided that the Arts was something that Zhanghyun can ACTUALLY excel in and gave him the choice of going to the school.
What's your skill(dance,rap,singing,art,photography, sculpting. Anything art related)
Password(what is my favourite number):
Any scenes you want in the story:
When he was forced to go onto a roller coaster and went into withdrawal, his partner comes to comfort him and he falls in love.
 I want .(That's not a big request but thanks ^^)
I love your story and would love to read it. As a guy who loves . HWAITING!!! :D
I will be rooting for you. And... aslo... YOUR ENGLISH IS PERFECT!!!  it's very rare. ^^


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