Application form :

Name : Crystal Woo-Suzuki 

( Stage Name ) Name : Yume (Japanese for dream)

AFF profile : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/47710 (MulticultureINSPIRIT)

Ulzzang Picture or just a photo : https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIGNACkot5vjUCuUD15jVspMbf-y3s9kFubR7CHloO6V_oC3IY seul ki is her name

Personality : I I can be seem as stuck up and distance at first and  if you don't know me, i don't trust easily you has to earn my trust, but when you do i'm the cutely dorky random girl, who break out into dance at anytime. I not a  morning person at all

 Likes ( 6+ ) : 


* Dreaming 

* Sweets

* Cute things


*Clasical Music


Dislikes ( 6+ ) :

* Bitter things

* Liars

* Being treated like a baby

* Breaking Promises

*Being Late


Age : 17

Birthday : 2/20/94

Your partner : Lee Sungjong 

Your Rival ) :Ji sook

Their Rival : TeenTop's Ahn Daniel (Niel)

Position in group ( Choose from the bottom ) : Main Dancer/Vocal 

Siblings in Kpop industry ( Optional ) : Kevin Woo Ukiss (Half- brother)

Whr you are from : San Francisco, Ca, America



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Thanks for applying :D