Fanfic Ideas

1) SHINee as 5 princesses going to an academy to become real princesses?

But here's the catch;

Taemin or Taeyon isn't interested in it, he likes sports

While Minho or Minhee; he likes to sing

Onew or Onsook want's to persue in dancing, he's the dancing machine in this story

Key or Gwiboon is not girly at all, she likes hunting, lifting weights and stuff

while Jjong or (I forgot his girl name) the most girly of the group, he's into the class.

2)Minstal; Krystal as a vampire Minho as the neighbour?


3)A muslim 6th member of F(X) that nobody ever knew, even the members

and lastly...


4)A one-shot; you met them on a feris-wheel in Japan?




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