
Hey guys its prisjones here, I'm typing this is Italy!! Well sorrento italy

so far my holiday is doing well, I have been to Rome, Pompeii and now sorrento! Tomorrow I'm going to capri! 

Anywyas I want to update to say I'm still alright, I'm alive and ill be updating on the 6th when I get back, we'll that's if I'm not jet lag! Also ill upload photos when I come back! Anyways being in Italy is amazing, terr are so many cute Italian boys and I'm getting fatter by the minute with every carb I take. I can't believe I'm I. The same content with exo!!! Arghhhhh this is exciting. Since I've been away and have little time on the Internet can some people update me in the Koop world, like what have I missed? Anyways time to go to bed! I'll see you guys when I come back. by the way being here in Italy have me inspiration to write 2 stories. I can't wait to write it when I come back to Australia! 

Anywyas Caio!


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enjoy ur holiday.. will be waiting to read ur stories.. :)
OMG ITALY! *immediately thinks of Ezio from AC2*
Hope you're having a splendid time and make vlogs for your entertainment c: