I've lost it.

I lost a pair of my pants and a single sock.


But in all seriousness, I've lost my spark when it comes to writing. I know that I should write and I really want to, but I just can't. It's like, whenever I open up a word document and stare at it, all of the energy that I thought I had just vanishes. Maybe it's my medicine that's making me feel this way (I have medicine I'm taking for a back injury) and I kind of hope it is. Maybe school's just draining me of life. Ugh. I just want my spark back. I want to write. I want to remember the joy I get when I see that other people like what I've written. I miss it all. I just can't find it.


Anyone have any tips or things that motivate/inspire you? Good fluff stories? Movies? I just need help.


But seriously, where are those pants?


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How 'bout, making story about fake marriage. I've read a novel . It such interesting novel, and i thought that maybe author can write about it and twist it . The novel i read is 'bout a girl who studied overseas, being pregnant. So, she had been expend from her institutes. She have to return to her country but she's in dilemma.She's too afraid to go home since her parents will get mad on her.Luckily, she met a man, stranger at airport who is willing help her to be her fake husband.
*sorry,my grammar is *