Let me just talk about the Ancient Roman Culture

If you guy's haven't read any history books about the Roman Empire (a first source book) then I suggest that you refrain from trying to make it better by saying 'oh it's just a book, books are easy to read!'

Let me get down to the details about the history about the ancient Roman culture 101. (i'll put them in bullet points because I'm a great person that way)

  • it is very patriarchal and Romans tend to have a male leader in their family (i.e grandfather or the oldest son). 
  • Having a male leader in their family is called Paterfamilias (if you break it down, pater means father, familias mean family - so the father of the family)
    • You're probably thinking, "what do you mean by 12 ceasars?" well if you were to ever read any of the history books about the roman empire, you'll notice how their names are repetative.
    • For example: Gaius Julius Ceasar. GAIUS is his first name, JULIUS is his clan (family) name, and CEASAR is which part of the family he holds. Now his father, is also called Gaius Julius Ceasar. His cousin (i think distant cousin) is also named Gaius Julius Ceasar Germanicus. This will continue on and the only thing that chances them are some of their positions that is added to their name.
    • Girls are also repatitive because they usually name the girls after the family name. So Julius Ceasars' daughter is named Julia. If he were to have another daughter, she would be named as Julia as well. (This is due to the fact that they didn't care about women)
  • Historians who wrote down events during the Roman Empire enjoys writing down all the names.

So with those information, you can imagine my predicament with my first source history book that I have to read. Not only is it very dense and boring, but they have Ceasars upon Ceasars who interact with Ceasars that talks to girls named Agrippas who then has a relative named Ceasar who is also married to a woman named Agrippa. Tacistus also enjoys writing down every single ing name that looks like foreign words to me. He would put in the smallest detail about a generals who you'll never read about ever again, but he somehow finds it essencial to be put in the context because it wasn't bad enough that Ceasars are talking to Ceasars. I don't know what to do anymore, I have a test about this on tuesday and I still can't remember which ceasar is ceasar the evil one or the ceasar the good one. Damnit Ancient Rome.



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purplepaw66 #1
O_o well ok..
star_x #2
...I dont get it? Nursing student need to learn this? O.O
purplepotatoes #3
err history class? been there done that -.- though i can give advice on how to remember them. The trick is try finding a different symbols or patterns that you can distiguish one from the other so it's easy to remember lol
//le walks away