The reason why I joined AFF

To be honest, I don't know why I joined AFF. Quite frankly, my interest in writing isn't that big O_O. My theory (for lack of a better word) would be because...I needed more people like me. More people that enjoy the kinds of stuff I enjoy. Damn, I thought I was weird for liking what I do until I was introduced to fanfiction. Another reason would be because (cough cough) I needed more friends. When I joined this site, I broke away from my old group of friends because they were irritating and I wasn't close enough yet to my friends as I am now. HAHA. AND LOOK AT ALL THE AMAZING PEOPLE I'VE MET ON HERE (I love all of my unnies so much 8D..and DONGSAENG)! huh. Sorry, I just actually had to think about why I joined here. Well, I've had my share. I wanna hear you guys now! :D


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Same!! :D a lot of my friends were being meanies >.< and I felt really lonely. I found this site and fell in love with fanfiction ^.^ even though most of my friends find me erted now -.- my friends here on AFF are WAY better and more understanding and we have SO MANY common interests to talk about :) and when I started cutting all the great people on here helped me feel less worthless and better about myself ^.^ this site is the best thing thats happened to me!! (I'm addicted...>.<) through thick and thin everyone on here has supported me and I even got to practice my writing :D I can't thank AFF enough. It brought back my smile ^.^ (cheesy but that's why I joined and stayed)
I joined cause of a similar thing, I felt totally left out! None of my friends were fangirls so they thought I was crazy for having an obsession with kpop and all that jazz. But this site has become my addiction!
I was really a silent reader at first so I only made an account to comment on fanficiton xD
....not lol friends :/
I love writing! I write all the time :)
(I have a notebook just for it) and I joined for that and for 2Min ;)...and have some lol friends bit their not my old friends :/ old friends were racist and hated anime,kpop, etc....They're still my friends though