
I am officially no longer friends with the named Keaton. Anyway, I hung out with Mika today which was pretty cool. We went to get food. Alot of food. We had all this money for clothes but we got food instead LOL so filipino.

you know how I said I hate my Dad? I just don't anymore. I regret ever saying that. My parents are acctually gettkng divorced now and I feel like its all my fault. If I wasnt the kind of person I am, they'd probably still be happily married. I'm just a mistake. My dad an mom kept saying things like ‘you're the biggest mistake of my life’ and like that. Cussing alot.

I just don't know what to do anymore. They said they'd talk to me about 'something' tomorrow and that I'm not in trouble... But I already know where this is going.

i cried. Alot. I don't want this to happen. Its as if some spirit heard me say that I hate my Dad and got them divorced.

oh my god

Its all my fault.

I dont know what to do with myself anymore. I should legit die. I don't deserve to live.




-that girl who should be dead


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