App for Neon rainbows

~ Contact Information ~

AFF Username :suju1375

AFF Profile Link :

~ Character Information ~

Character Name :Park Kayla

Nicknames:Kay, Kay-chan, RD

Age : 20

Birthdate :July/5/1991

Hometown :New York

Ethnicity : Korean American

Languages Spoken : English (fluent) Korean (fluent) Chinese (basic) 

Height : 5'7

Weight : 135

Blood Type :A

Your own:

Fanclub Name:Keyz

Fanclub Color: Neon Green

~ About Your Character ~

Personality :

Kayla is very calm looking girl, but on the inside she has a free spirit. She is a random girl that loves to have fun, if you leave her alone in a room with a chair that spins and has wheels, you're bound to find her going up an down the halls doing funny poses on the chair. Never EVER steal a tootsie pop from her stash, if you steal on instead of asking for one, Kaylajo will chase you around the house with a frying pan.

When it comes to drama, then she is out of the room or put her head phones on and wait for it to stop. She is a very trustworthy person, you can always go to her when your upset and she would know the right things to say to make you happy. She has a lot of confidence, like one time she and her friends introduced them selves after prefourming in a compotition and she called her self the 'Best Rapper' of the group and one of her friends ask 'who said that' and Kayla would just Smile goofly and say "me". She loves sweats, you can find her eating either white chocolate or a lollipop, if some says they don't want the rest of their chocolate bar Jae will be the first person to ask and if someone else trys to take it she will automatically take and run away from the person. Never EVER steal a tootsie pop from her stash, if you steal on instead of asking for one, Kaylajo will chase you around the house with a frying pan. 

But most of all she is a very calm girl, she is very caring towards everyone. Little kids love her not just because she has candy with her 24/7 but she is so umma like.

Kayla has alot of attitude thanks to her father, she knows how to make someone scared by just glareing at them. She has the worst temper in the history of man, if someone was to hurt a loved one physically or mentally or both she beat that person till he has to go ta hospital, and yes the fans know of her temper.

Likes :

-Red and Neon Green


-Nicki Minaj




-Thunder and Lightning storms

-Jackie Chan movies


Dislikes :





-Quiet places





-Dancing in the rain


-Listening to music


-Martial arts




-Sleep rapping

-Sleep walking

-Blanking out while listening to music

-Rapping when bored

-Bites bottom lip when nervous or shy


Trivia/facts : 

-She is allergic to Fish

-She is allergic to spider

-Lived in New Your for 10 years

-Hates Dresses

-Doesn't like Pink

-Always keeps her hair in a pony tail with her bags sweeping across her forhead covering her left eye a little


Talents :



-Martial arts

-Guitar (rock music XD)



Appearance : Choi Yu Jung







Style - (5+ links for ALL)







~ Family Information ~

Family Background / History :

Kayla lived in Korea till she was 8 then she moved to New York with her brother and father, her mother had died when Kayla was six because of cancer, over the years she took martial arts because of thugs and gangsters. Her and her brother had gotten into dance and rap battles but they always win the battle with their combined skills, they then additoned for SM and got in but they stayed in America to train. Over time Kayla was picked to be in a music video and in movie, her brother became an action star while she is on the verge to becoming an action star as well.


Family Members :

Mother: Lily Camber -46- Died of cancer when Kayla was 8

Father: Adam Park -49- Lives in China as a college professer

Twin Brother: Kyle Park -26- Action Actor


~ Stage Information ~

Stage Name : Kayla /or/ R-Dragon (GD gave her the name and R stands for red cause you always see red in her cloths XD)

Persona : Fire brething Rapper

Position : Main Rapper, sub vocalist

Length of Trainee Year : 4

Trainee Experience :

-Kayla Appeared in one of Jackie Chans movies

-She was in Thousand Foot krutch's video Puppet

-She was in a zombie movie as a stunt women

Trainee Story :

Kayla had to go through alot of training under dance and Singing, they made her run at least 2 miles everyday so she could move with speed even though she was already good in dancing but her speed was horrible. She had work on her high note and had to stop her voice from cracking, they made her do so many high notes that she had lost her voice for a week. She had to work on her breathing skills so she could rap fastly with out losing her breath, she had to always test her self by staying under water till her breath ran out. They had also taught her how to change the pitch of her voice when ever she had to in a song, they use the old method and a new one, they had made her rap many songs where the voices changed pitch or speed quickly and she had to get every note right.


~ Relationship Information ~

Love Interest :Thunder

Have You Met and How?:No not yet (but they both are fans of each other)

Relationship Status :single!!!!

Best Friends :Minzy, Dara, CL, Amber, Shindong, GD

Friends :Joon (surprisingly) Sooyoung, Donghae, Kyuhyun, Luna

Rivals :Jessica

Singing links:

Dancing links :


Rapping links:


anything else:

She has a tattoo on her Left shoulder and right side of her back



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