✤ Autumn, I'm In Love! ♥ Character's Name ♥ Plotline ✤

Author's Note :

001) Remember to read the cheatsheet and masterlist while you fill in the app.
002) Other Names, Pet Peeves, Fears, Stage Name and Fan Club are optional.
003) Delete all brackets including thisone. :)


A U T U M N 

I'm in LOVE!

layout by: geekreader

Change the picture below with your face claim.

♥ Character's Name 


Name : [Full Name]

Other Name : [Japanese/English/Chinese/etc]

Nickname : [what people call you]

Age : [20 and above]

Date of Birth : [1993 and older]

Place of Birth : [Anywhere in the world is fine]

Hometown : [Anywhere is fine]

Ethnicity : [At least half-Korean]

Blood Type : [A, B, AB, O]

Family : [Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | Relationship | Closeness (?/10)]



Change the left picture with your face and the right picture with your idol sibling if you have one. If not, left it as it is. :)


Face Claim : [Hyperlink a picture]

Persona : [Your preferred plotline]

Personality : [On camera and off-camera]

Background : [About your idol life and a bit about your family and love life]

Style : [Short description]

Formal : [Gallery or link]

Casual : [Gallery or link]



L♡ V E   I N G R E D I E N T z

Ideal Type (Personality) : [Description]

Ideal Type (Person) : [Name | Stage name | Occupation | Group & position if applicable]

Idol : [Name | Stage name | Occupation | Group & Position if applicable]

Ideal Partner : [State the persona - in the plotline]

Pet Peeves : [What personality/habit that you don't like]

Likes : [Bullet points or semicolon]

Dislikes : [Bullet points or semicolon]

Hobbies : [Bullet points or semicolon]

Habits : [Bullet points]

Fears : [Bullet points]

Trivia : [Bullet points]




                                                                Change the left picture with your face claim and the right picture with your ideal type (person)


Stage Name : [Up to you]

Occupation : [Idols, Actor/Actress, Model]

Group & Position : [Which group and your position in the group if applicable]

Company : [Which company? SM? YG? CJeS? Any company is fine.]

Fan Club : [Fan Club name]

Debut Date : [Refer to the cheatsheet]

Talking Twin : [Up to you]

Best Friend(s) : [Name | Stage name if applicable | Age | Occupation | Group and position if applicable | Relationship]

Friend(s) : [Name | Stage name if applicable | Age | Occupation | Group and position if applicable | Relationship]




Suggestion(s) : [Thanks for the suggestion. :)]

Comment(s) : [Have fun applying!]

Scene Request(s) : [I'll try to insert them into the story, and no , please...]

Love Quote : [In the plotline or create one of yourself]

Anything Else? : [Anything else I should know about the character?]


 Change the left picture with your face claim and the right picture with your idol.

Username : [No need hyperlink]

Nickname : [What should I call you?]


BIG THANKS TSimple Collection

BACK TO : Autumn, I'm In Love!


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