Tired and Wasted :(

I sincerely hate school. 


Let's be honest, half of the things we're taught aren't even applicable in real life. Well unless you're getting a job related to that subject.



I kind of like the idea of college better since the lessons you're taught there are the actual courses you want/choose. Not like in high school where all subjects are generally taught to everyone. 


Second, I hate hate hate HOMEWORK. Is this some kind of torture inflicted on students or something? Are you kidding me??! Teachers tell us all the time that homework's given so that we'll be able to practice at home. Please. We go to school 5 days a week, 9 hours a day. Isn't there enough time in that to be able to practice the "useful" stuff ???

Don't get me wrong, I like going to school, learning new stuff and all that, but I don't like sitting down, studying the stuff. And at least they teach us the more useful stuff we can actually use in life. I mean, what can we do with geometry or trigonometry in real life??? I doubt that we'll have to measure something unless you're an architect or whatever... I think they should teach us more of the english stuff? Like speech or something. I don't know.


Please don't call me a lazy bum or what. Because I'm just frustrated at the load of work they give us... And I'm tired and come home haggard all the time. Does anyone else agree with me...??




Eheheheheheheh 2ne1 ehehehehehehehhh~~~


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I can't agree more. Homework is useless. It's just plain torture, or maybe just to see how many students actually sit down at home and study. It doesn't help the outcome of the exult of many students, if the teachers were to teach better, pay more attention to STUDIES then the students would be interested,
My teachers at college are just "ugh" . I don't even want to call them teachers, I mean they don't have respect for a student and they don't teach with such good speech or directions. Nothing is available to be understood from them, I am an A+ student, how ? Just by my own hardwork. I do everything by myself, it's better this way when your teachers are useless.
I personally don't have that much problem with homework but yeah the whole point of it isn't that much amusing either.
I can see the point of homework for some subjects when you don't have enough time to do the work in class if you've a teacher like my Physics teacher (who really doesn't give that much homework to begin with).
Or with a subject like History when you have essays that take 3-4 hours to do, so you need to do the work over the weekend or something.

But really. I don't give a damn about deriving 2cos3xsin-1 :/
Homework is useless, my old school never gave out homework because they thought it was a load of crap.

But now I'm homeschooled so I really REALLY don't have homework because all my work is at home. XD