Why I've been gone so long.....

Alright, so i havnt updated in about 20 years. I hardly even log on. I dont read stories anymore. And i dont have time or patience to continue my stories. Why? 2 reasons. 1. School You must know how busy this thing gets, and doing good in school is kinda important right now. 2. My subscribers: I feel like i can dissappear of the edge of the earth in an accident and die and be in a grave and you guys would never wonder where i went. Do you even miss me? Should i consider coming back? Did you forget all about my sad self? I can make a change, i can come back, i can make u happy with my stories But i have to feel happy too. There was another reason too. Kevinosaur was starting to become a nightmare. He made My life living hell. I hate him. No way past that. And i dont want anything to do with him. He used this site to keep tabs on me. If i leave this site, i also leave a big chunk of him too. AND i found myself getting blogged morethan enough, nothing but a bunch of stupid cyber bullies who thought their words would faze me. Whatevs.! So lemme know whats up. Am i done with my aff career? Goddamn it, i made it so far I tried so hard I shouldnt give up! But its easier to close up shop. Please talk to meh.


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THAT'S IT! Talk to me! Right now! (or as soon as you get on again) Message me on my wall and we'll skype or talk on AFF or even friggin TEXT for all I care. O.O
I'm literally having the same issue right now (with bullies) and I need someone to talk to too.
But I'm subscribed to three of your stories. No joke. I friggin stalk them! Lmao idc how creepy that sounds, it's true. Like I love your writing! You're talented and I bet you've made a LOT of friends on here that you shouldn't have to give up because of one person!
But on a more serious note, it's true. Some people won't like your writing. It's just what talented people, who do something as fragile as writing, have to deal with. Critics.
cyber bullies. people who can sit there and talk about you behind your back, but having nothing to say to your face.
Just fight back because they'll back down like THAT. They're wimps with NO LIFE.
And if you delete this account I will be sooooo sad! You just CAN'T give up. You're too talented. No question about it.
Please talk to me as soon as you log back in! Okay? hwaiting!
Come back!! TT.TT of course we miss u~~!!
agito_kanon9 #3
go back to mind those dumb cyber es! they're just stupid fungus around you! NEVER MIND THEM! Fighting
I personly will be glad to have you back, please don't leave us! Sorry to hear that you had some problems and bad mood at AFF, but hope you would not be discouraged from writing.
And have to confees, I have also a selfish reason -I want to read more of The Tragedy of Marshmallows !!
midoris #5
Oh dear, I wish I could help you : (
Iheartlife #6
Keep on fighting!
katierose #7
Yes! I want you to update :)
school is horrible, i know *sigh*
As a subscriber, i can say... i sort of have a fear of talking to the author? idk... its weird, but the author seems like this unapproachable deity and I'm just a lowly subscriber among hundreds of other subscribers...
but yeah
oh, and I know Kevin can get tiresome. He's sort of negative now that he's finally graduated eighth grade...
i know him in real life though and I don't think he meant to hurt you to badly.
if it helps, you can talk to me.
Aigoo, Eva don't be so dramatic >.< we did miss you! You were talking to me and then disappeared. Welcome back :3 <3
Some people do use this site as a way to reach out to others in need, as a place where maturation can be achieved, improve their writing skills and to make real friendships or further existing ones. Others are, as I said, only after the stories, the attention, the obscure glorification of having thier stories featured and collecting massive numbers of subscribers.
Not so different from the real world :)
It's important for you to determine why you're here. This is like any other situation in real life. People often wonder why they keep going to their jobs that might be creating these kinds of problems for them. In this situation, it's a little more clear- people need to make money. But there are those who are passionate about what they do and will persist regardless of difficulties. You must decide if your reasons for being on AFF are worth keeping you here.
I'm not trying to persuade you either way, and I apologize if I've been a bit blunt in some of my explanations. I don't mean it to sound as if I don't care about your choice, and the support you have offered me, in the past. But it wouldn't be right for me to tell you that you can't leave because of my own reasons. Sometimes we should take a stand, other times we should know when to back down. It's not worth soldiering on if it's too much to handle.
Think about it. If you need to, take a break from the site and don't think about AFF at all. Fill your mind and your life with "real" things, experience yourself and cut off all ties with anything holding you back. Develop a clear sense of who you are and what you want to achieve in your life.
Should you choose to stay, there will always be people to support you <3
It's not a bad idea to leave the site for a while and decide where your priorities are, and why you're writing on the site, in the first place.Have a concrete idea of what you want. If you want to keep writing than keep writing. Nothing can stop you. If you don't, well then that's your decision and there's nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with putting yourself in a positive position, where you can maximize your constructivity and your abilities to do thing that please you.
Frankly, none of us here are professional writers, so to speak. We're not Steven King, we're not Danielle Steele. I don't mean this in the quality of writing that's on here, for there are excellent pieces of work. I mean that we don't have the obligation to churn out stories for the public, for money, or otherwise. Nothing on here ties you down- you are relatively anonymous, as we all are, and think there will be many people who will leave the site when they find they are able to deal with their real world lives, or find another reason to keep them going.
I'm not saying that the relationships made here are disposable, or that the writings here are worthless. I'm also not saying that this is a sort of "delusional check point". It's just that there are many things to a person's life- fanfiction is only one of these things.
If you're feeling that your subscribers don't care about you, well I'm sure that that's partly true. Some people are here only for the stories. Expect this kind of detached relationship. Frankly, if lasting relationships is what you seek, the internet may not be the best place for this. Not that lasting bonds can't be made- but there is so much we don't see on the other side of the screen, so to speak- facial expression, vocal tone, a careful gesture etc. Out of 200 subscribers, no one really can have the responsibility of interacting with everyone. There are some people, I'm sure who read our works that are not even from this site.
What do you want to do?
If you want to keep writing, because you enjoy writing and you enjoy posting your work here, don't stop. I think it's easy for the purpose of an AFF account to deviate from being about writing because you want to write, to be about the social aspect. Lots of valuable friendships can be made here, and just like in the real world, lots of people can be rude or behave inappropriately. There is never a situation where one can escape from the positive or negative aspects of the world, as we are all part of it.
School work is definitely important- it is of course a wise and rspectable decision to put effort into your work and there's nothing wrong with taking a break from AFF to study. In fact, I have to, in order study for my upcoming finals.
But a permanent break? Well; that is ultimately up to you. It depends why you're doing it. If you feel that there are other things that you need to focus on and that are more a priority, pursue them, and you will have our support :) But if you want to quit because there are people who may not notice you, or people that are making your life unpleasant, you have to really think about who is making the decision- you, or the people causing these problems?
I don't know what your relation to Kevinosaur is- do you know each other in real life? If he is making you uncomfortable, or your own sake, you might consider leaving the site. Is there anything that you can do to resolve this issue?
As you said, you need to be happy, too. Writing isn't always for other people- it's for you. It's your emotions, experiences and ideas that you're putting down on the page. Lots of people write for therapeutical reasons. This is just a place where we can get feedback, share ideas and explore possibly controversial and boundary-breaking writing and creativity. If this site isn't doing this for you, anymore, consider pulling back and reflecting as to what is going on.
You shouldn't give up. If writing stories is what you want, then go ahead and do it. Others will love you for it too. As for the cyber bullies, it's a given there will be some, but don't let them get you down. Hwaiting!
don't leave AFF..Remember the real reason u joined AFF for. Fight against the wrong and bad and show those scumbags...U R THE BEST!
PM me if you need..
Don't give up ^^ Find another way to solve all this!
I'm always here. Hwaiting!