Re: #2

hey guys remember when I started those YT recommendations...

well today is one of those days :D

this time it's not music, but something I found really interesting:



This is actually a really cool idea, better than upgrades like iPhone 5c and like that...b/c tbh those are unnecessary.

the concept is very simple, and though it's just a concept I wish they came out already. I'm pretty sure these would be much more efficient and maybe even cheaper. the only downside is design, but I'm pretty sure that because it's still a discussed concept the inventor will keep that in mind (the demand for a more appealing design is pretty popular in the comments).


I hope that you guise will also share the thunderbolt, if you support it. The idea of the thunderbolt, if you don't know, is you give permission for the website to send out a message on your twitter/tumblr/facebook to support the idea and gain attention for companies so that they can come together and build it together and gain the profit together. The message will be sent out on the 29th of October (my birthday), all at the same time. I don't know about you, but I think this is really awesome. 


So? What do you guys think though?


if any of you would like to show your support and send out a thunderbolt for your friends and family to see, click >>here<<

also copy+paste this blog and reblog to show your support with the hashtag "phonebloks"

ok baii <3


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Omg lol but it's so cool!