I'm Back To Reality

Hi all!

         So the news is, i'm back to school already!! yeahhh!!!!>_< It's the beginning of a new semester and that means a whole lot new adventure to be expected. This semester, i'm taking 5FIVE examination papersssss.It's hectic IKR...but that will not bring me down! never! hahahah. (what a spirit LOL) But fortunately, I got the hostel room!! so, no need for me to buy new car. that would be one hell of a trouble! It is easier to be nearer to the campus and of course to the coursemates. Tell you what's new of me. I'm becoming a part time reporter/writer for my college's magz! (tadadahhhh!!!!) Somehow I made a new resolution for myself. TThat is to explore the world more and more!!! this might be slightly interfering my studies but why can't I enjoy it while it last. After all, I can gain new things, experience, new friends and many more. 

        I also want to say thanks to lovely amanohashidate for keeping in touch with me. It's a wonderful feeling to make friend here that is nice and friendly like her. I'm still reading fanfictions from here, winglin, and also livejournals and I expecting more beautifully written fanfics to read in the future. Fighting to all the writers and keep doing a great job!



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eeiii... isnt it my naamee???

ah.. you r back to school after long holiday ^^
and decided to write too. yaaayy..

hostel room? have fun at school, girl. *wink*