New Story

So yeah, I've started a new story and it is called 'Seasons Of Love' with Kim So Eun as the main character again. I am so bad because I haven't even finished TACOM yet and I couldn't help myself but start a new story.

Well it is about So Eun's romance life and it talks about the times she has experienced love, close to it or far from it. It also will have lots of male characters who are mainly my biases, and the reason for that is because 24 years of existance (So Eun's age in the story) is quite a long time and her being so awesome it is hard not to have people falling for her ;).

I plan it to be written in two point of views, one per chapter and each chapter is a new season. Basically the POV's will be So Eun's and the other characters that feature in the particular part in time; like apart of the 'First - (x) season' part or something.

This is a challenge for me and it is vastly different from TACOM which is written in present tense whether SOL will be mainly in past tense.

Please give my new story lots of support!

Thanks guys!

Love, krusty.


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