☾서울 게임┊the seoul games┊Jung So Hee┊The Selfish One






중 소 헤에

username: thewolves

what should we call you?: aley

activeness: 9


check the files.┊

name: Jung So Hee

nickname(s): Polypocket (her family and friends call her this because of her short height!)

age: 12 years old

birthdate: 12/12/2000

blood type: O

height: 150cm

weight: 45kg

symbol: ♥ 

birthplace: Busan, South Korea

hometown: Ulsan, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean (native), English and Mandarin (Fluent, she learnt them at school and through songs and movies), Japanese (Conversational, she has a few japanese friends).


we need to be prettah!┊

ulzzang: Hong Young Gi

links or gallery: 

back-up ulzzang: Lee Geum Hee

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secondary back-up ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong

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sense of style: Her style is normal, is nothing fancy, nothing you haven't seen before. She dresses according to her age, so as a 12 year old, Sohee's style is colorful and bubbly. She loves dresses and skirts, it's hard seeing her with pants, because she thinks is not feminine enough. Sometimes, seems she was trying to get dressed in a dark room because the result can be really odd but still fits her perfectly. She likes to match different colors and different patterns. Is a fan of high heels, but doesn't use them a lot since she is still just a kid. When it comes to bags, she loves those with animal shapes on it, specially cats and dogs. Loves bows in every single color and her hair style is straight but with bangs,  because she doesn't like her forehead!
Pink and pastel colors is what you will see the most in her clothes, she is not a fan of dark makeup! She is often called 'Plain Pumpkin' because her sense of style is totally plain, she dresses what she likes and doesn't spend too much time in the morning choosing clothes. Sometimes she just grabs something without even looking at it. Sohee is not that picky, but doesn't mean she doesn't care about her image at all! She is very girly and likes to look pretty!


extras: birthmark on her hip, with a shape of a butterfly!


it's my life, you know.┊

plotline: The Selfish One

persona: Wunderkind Toddler

key traits: sarcastic, cheeky, loyal, odd, selfish, popular, sweet, shy.

personality: You know how vanilla ice cream is sweet and simple yet popular enough that everyone likes it? That’s how you can describe Sohee. She likes to keep to herself and when people try talking to her she occasionally will shy away from them because she had built a shell around herself, although she has a shy personality she does have the occasional times where she’d have the soft burst of confidence and she’ll go up to someone and introduce herself to get to know them and make friends. Her social skills aren’t the best and occasionally she might just seem so meek it’s a bit off putting and annoying which she doesn’t try to be, she just has her fear of someone trying to hurt her that she’s scared of the most. The anger she shows to certain people is nothing more than a defense mechanism. It’s become hard for her to be close to more than a few people, and she decides to argue with the ones she doesn’t exactly care about.

She’s extremely sarcastic, but never does it to hurt anyone unless she feels as if they’re coming at her. Naturally, she’s a very cheeky girl and uses that to her advantage in conversation, even if people don’t see it that way. She’s very loyal to her friends, and will do anything to protect them, there is no way she’ll let anyone get hurt on her watch. Even if she is just a kid, Sohee is already really selfish, remembering her days in the kindergarten, she was that shy girl that would never share her toys with the other kids, she was the weird kid that wouldn't want to share her food with others. But it doesn't mean she is a bad person, because she is not. She is still really young and with 12 years of live, she is still learning how to behave towards others and she is really warm when people get to know her. She might even be called foolish at times for her kindness and clumsinessShe’s the type of girl who’s never fully dressed without her attitude. Being the youngest child in her family, Sohee was practically born with the quality of being a stubborn and spoiled girl. She likes to be the one in charge pulling the ropes rather than the one following behind. Although at times she may seem to be one of those well brought uppurebloodpolite girl, in reality she’s still a clumsy kid wanting to have fun. Sometimes acting like she’s in her own world, a great word to describe her would be odd. Others might find it offensive, but she doesn’t mind - she thinks it fits her quite well actually. Her brother, says she is very rare, because she has two things that are hard to find nowadays: the union of beauty and purity.



  • archery
  • fridays
  • ice cream
  • japanese fashion
  • ballet
  • water
  • beach
  • sunny days
  • hello kitty
  • betty boop
  • parties


  • junkfood
  • liars
  • bugs
  • chores
  • bad manners
  • cold
  • clowns
  • thunderstorms
  • chocolate
  • backstabbers
  • loud noises


  • crossing the streets alone (when she was 5 years old, she was hit by a car when she was crossing the streets with her headphones on).
  • clowns (she thinks they are really scary! She still checks her closet and under her bed before going to sleep to make sure there's no clowns).
  • fireworks (she doesn't like loud noises and fireworks are really really loud, but she admits they are really pretty).


  • hiding her face while laughing.
  • pouting
  • biting her lips.


  • hanging out with friends
  • archery
  • going to the movies
  • internet
  • shopping


  • has a lisp, a very noticeable one.
  • she says her brother is the most important person in her life.
  • she can sing pretty well.
  • has a dog named 'Chingu', and he only does what she says.
  • does archery since she was 6 years old.
  • is a big fan of Christina Aguilera
  • she can't sleep with her light off
  • she is top 10 in her school. 
  • she doesn't like to study, but always gets good grades
  • her favourite movie is  'The Day After Tomorrow', she knows all the lines.
  • has a Samsung Galaxy S4, pink version
  • knows how to play the guitar and piano
  • once her mother tried to make her clean the house and Sohee faked an headache. Her mother ended up letting her stay in bed.
  • she says she wants to be a mother at the age of 20!
  • doesn't like to share her toys and hates when her mother makes her do it!


isn't it strange?┊

background: Sohee was born in Busan, South Korea, in the year of 2000, in a healthy family. With one year old, she moved to Ulsan and never left. She lived happily, in a family that cared enough about her happiness and comfort. Her mother is a teacher and her father is a doctor. At the age of three, Sohee became known in all the country with her appearance in a CF for ZARA, but it was just a thing of the moment, people never treated her any different and slowly started to forget her! From an early age, Sohee and her older brother were the apple of her father’s eye. Anything she ever wanted was given to her, and her brother always got something to match.

She is a very intelligent girl and her parents always wanted her to have the best grades, and she was indeed, one of the top students of her school! In the year of 2010, Sohee was accepted to do a musical from Shakespeare 'Romeo and Juliet'. It was big hit in Korea and she traveled to Europe (France, Italy, Portugal, Spain) to promote the musical along with the other artists! She is currently in 6 grade! Sohee treasures her family a lot. Her father always wanted her and her brother to become great human beings and until now, they are not being a disappointment. Her brother is following their father's steps, since he is currently an college student in the medicine area. Sohee dreams of becoming a good archer in the future, improving her piano and guitar skills, and having an amazing job as a surgeon.


family members: 

Jung Min Ho | 50 | Father | strict, talkactive, caring, hardworking| they get along pretty well, Sohee loves her dad a lot, she is his little girl. | alive
Lee Sung Ha | 46 | Mother| wise, motherly, stubborn, moder | they fight sometimes, but they have the normal mother-daughter relationship. | alive
Jung Tae Jun | 24 | Brother | intelligent, talented, caring, straightfoward | Sohee and Tae Jun have an amazing relationship. They are always there for each other! | alive



Song Ji Yun| 12 | Bestfriend | unique, talented, cool | like sisters! Sohee and Jiyun know each other since they are kids.
Kris Wufan | 22 | Friends | trustworthy, adorable, loyal | Kris is Tae Jun's bestfriend, they knew each other when he was abroad studying. She met him through her brother, Kris is really caring towards her!
Amanda Carter | 10 | Friends | cute, funny, perfectionist | Amanda is Sohee's foreigner neighbour! Sohee helped her with Korean, while Amanda also helped her with English. They get along pretty well!


don't ask.┊

best friend in the games: The Skeptical One

how do you act around each other: He was the first boy Sohee approached when she needed help. Normally she holds her pride and doesn't ask for help because she believes she can do eveeything on her own, but she felt a strong connection with him. His personality matches her in the most unbelievable ways. He takes good care of her as if she was some precious porcelain doll, since she is the youngest girl he ever met. She can call him a friend because she knows he will always be there for her!


forever dead.┊

comments: Tell me if there's something I need to fix!! I hope you like her as much as I liked to fill this app form <3

scene request: Sohee and her 'Skeptical friend' having a playfull fight? /idk i'm blank/ i'll add more when I get the inspiration for it o.o

suggestion: all the different zones becoming together as one (EXO ahahahah), to fight together!!


let the games begin


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