When will I update 'Falsification'?

I have been inboxed with questions like, "Why aren't you updating your fic?" "When will you update Falsification?" "Are you upset or anything?" Well.. you see, I have some problems with my keyboard.. It's not working, and worst of all, I can't type anything! My buttons just pops off when I press on them. And the touch screen panel is absolutely not working! As if there's a ghost, it just keeps pressing on the document's button! Should have listened to my bro and gotten the other one -.- I'm currently waiting for my keyboard to be imported in before I can update so.. I hope you guys can understand me and please wait~

Oh yeah, in case you're wondering, "Why does she need to wait for the keyboard to be imported in?! Why can't she just buy another keyboard?!" Er.. because, (: I'm getting a pink keyboard!:D (At long last, I found a decent LED pink and white keyboard that isn't lousy!) And the model I want didn't have any stocks in Singapore /sobs The other day, I went down to the only shop in Singapore that had that keyboard.. IT WAS THERE! RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! THE LAST ONE! And.. T.T A damn guy went and took it before me.. just when I was about to grab it. I mean, come on! Why would you want a pink keyboard?! You're a guy for god's sake! But yeah, I tried asking if I could have the keyboard but he didn't want to give it up to me.. so.. yep, I ended up asking my brother to ask his friend to get the keyboard from the main company. And so, I have to wait for two to four weeks before the keyboard reaches his shop.

AND, if you're wondering, how am I able to type this blog post up? Er.. please don't laugh but I'm typing on the keyboard with all the keys out.. So.. Haha! Please wait!

Imagine my keyboard's keys being like this.. How can you laugh?!


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xD haha. Must be a hard work typing all those above. But yeah, you remember all the keys :D
Wow without the keys and you can type this whole message is amazing. It's alright I can wait ^^ can't wait to see your pink keyboard. Please upload a photo ^^
Fluffydar #3
That must be hard to type with~
When you said don't laugh, I'm sorry because I can't help it. It's funny but cute. And now I'm imagine how does it look to type with all the keys out. Kekeke ^^
Lol XD why would a Guy buy a pink keyboard ??