Conquest Of The Exorcist | Zakuro Ackerman Will Destroy All Exorcists


Common Information

Username: LimSooMie (call me JR!)

Appearance: Ladies' Code Sojung (Hora: Gekikara)

Name: Zakuro Ackerman / Yoon Sae Ra / Cordelia Ackerman


  • Sera: Almost everybody calls in Korea calls her that
  • Black Cherry Blossom
  • Doll Ghost Zakuro
  • Doll#1: Because she's the first twin, she's the first doll
  • Ice Doll: Because of her cold personality
  • Two-Faced Doll: Because of her spilt personality, the cold one & the kind one
  • Baby Doll: Lover calls her that
  • Era Noona: Most of the younger boys calls her that
  • Zombie Doll: What her friends calls her when she's mad

Birthday: October 31

Age: 19

Height: 176 kg

Weight: 52 kg

Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan

Resident: Vancouver, Canada

Ethnicity: Japanese & Korean-Canadian

Languages: Japanese (Native), Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent), Mandarin (Fluent) & French (Semi-Fluent)

I Need A Hero

Personality: Zakuro is a fierce, cold, sly & cunning girl. She basically is the most coldest girl that you will ever met. Imagine when you're killing people. You will feel guilty when you kill someone. But Zakuro doesn't feel, she just does it. No expression, no emotion. She doesn't like to be in other peoples business or be in trouble or be the trouble. She keeps everything to herself except to her twin sister & the persons she loves. She smiles but it's rare, she almost never laugh, her words are icy, her critics will stab your heart & she's definetly not the person you want to mess up with. She holds most of the knowledge inside her head, practically she's a genius in everything. But at the same time, she's a good listener, wise, warm, polite, caring & loving girl, although it doesn't look like it, she's also a social butterfly. She's willing to hear her friends problem & if they ask for her advice, she will gladly give them. She's very dependable & sweet if you know her well. She maybe still be sarcastic & cold, but she really is a good person, she just need to adjust her new environtment around people

But since she witnessed both of her parents being murdered & the disappereance of her twin all blamed by the man with white eyes & black robe, the goodness in her eyes had been concealed by anger, despair, sorrow, loss & vengeance. She doesn't like to talk about her family cause it reminded her of the day where all had gone mad



Christopher Ackerman | Age: ? | Occupation: ? | Father | Deceased

Sai-Yuna Ackerman / Sai-Yuna Hizashi | Age: ? | Occupation: ? | Mother | Deceased

Yoon Sae Mi /  Suzaku Ackerman / Euphemia Ackerman | Age: 19 | Occupation: ? | Missing


Occupation: She's attending Canada University of Art (she skipped 2 grades btw) with the major dance & music. She also work part time as a dancer & a dance instructor


Friends: Wu Yi Fan is her bestfriend since they met in Canada, he's more like the own family that she has. He's the first person to understand her condition & be there for her when nobody is there. He never look at her as a monster or a cold person, he over-look the cold personality & founds a vulnerable, little child that needs to be protected. He knows well about Zakuro & her past, he doesn't dare to come up with that conversation knowing well how she would react. He calls her Cordelia all the time except when both of them are talking seriously he will call her by her real name. He promises to himself that he will protect Saera; his little sister & his lover


  • ​The Silence
  • Her family
  • Kids
  • Dogs
  • Dancing
  • Hoodies
  • Hello Kitty
  • Music
  • Strawberries
  • Ramen
  • Coffee
  • Guitar
  • Games (especially fighting, horror, RPG & scary ones)
  • Mystery Novels
  • Horror Movies
  • Roses


  • Loud People
  • The man with white eyes & black robe
  •  Thunderstorm
  • Heavy Rain
  • Nosy People
  • People who disturb her peace or her family
  • Raspberry
  • A very weird or bad game
  • Human Cuteness (exception for her sisters)
  • Sour Things (except Strawberries)
  • No coffee
  • Plastic Flowers
  • People who ACT cute & innocent
  • Fail Aegyo
  • Fake people
  • Hot pink
  • Alcohol
  • Back stabbers


  • Bites her nails
  • Strech when bored
  • Dance when bored
  • Smirks when planning someting really smart...or evil
  • Turns into a zombie when she's upset
  • covers herself with blanket & puts on a music with a very loud volume when there's a heavy rain


  • She's very flexible
  • Can play guitar, piano & cello
  • Has a very amazing dancing skill especially pole dance
  • No matter in what mood she's in (except when it's with her family or with Kris or when she's planing something), she's always have a dead expression & stares at people with blank eyes
  • If somebody brings up the topic about her parents & twin, she will be mad & get teared up
  • Has a birth mark on her left waist
  • Always wears 1 bracelet, 1 charm & 1 necklace. The bracelet is from her parents, the charm is from Wu Fan & the necklace is from her twin
  • Smiles but rarely laugh
  • She promise to herself that she will never touch alcohol…but if it’s urgent, she will re-consider it
  • She hates when people says that woman is weak but also hates it when people says she’s doesn’t have any fear
  • Actually not that aggressive, but if you really annoyed her or if you bother her firends & families, she will give you hell
  • Hates to be stared
  • Always smiles when she sees a little kid or a very cute dog
  • Likes big dogs more than a little dog
  • She has 2 different eye color. On the right is icy blue & on the left is blood red
  • Has an S-Line & abs, which shows how much she worked out but her skin are strangely pale


Supernatural Powers:

  • Dual-Personality: Her dual-personality is one of the reasons of what made her very strong. Hora, the Red Reaper. Hora is feared by most people due to her brutal strength and violence, even going as far as almost killing a wanted criminal with a chair. Hora is fearsome not because she is strong, but because she only cares about the violence rather than victory in a fight. Hora will often say "Are you mad?" when confronting people, and would bite her nails while doing so. She also has a habit of cutting up umbrellas and snapping pencils. Her laugh is memorable and distinctly creepy. When Saera turns into Hora, her hair will turn into jet-black & her eyes will turn into glowing blood red. She's one of the deadliest reaper that comes from another alter universe called 'Crooked Wonderland'. Hora has 2 weapons, a sword with the color of blood red called 'Vorplar Blade' & a scythe with the drawing of a dragon on the blade called 'Jabberwocky'. Hora is also immune of illusion & eye based attacks, a fortune for Zakuro since she's one body with her
  • Necromancer: Necromancy /ˈnɛkrɵˌmænsi/ is a claimed form of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge

    The word "necromancy" is adapted from Late Latin necromantia, itself borrowed from post-Classical Greek νεκρομαντεία (nekromanteía), a compound of Ancient Greek νεκρός (nekrós), "dead body", and μαντεία (manteía), "prophecy or divination"; this compound form was first used by Origen of Alexandria in the 3rd century CE.[3] The Classical Greek term was ἡ νέκυια (nekyia), from the episode of the Odyssey in which Odysseus visits the realm of the dead, νεκυομαντεία in Hellenistic Greek, rendered as necyomantīa in Latin, and as necyomancy in 17th-century English

Spiritual Guardian: Aldera & Remillia Scarlet, both of them are one of the strongest spiritual demons & considered as 'Princesses From Hell'. Aldera & Remillia takes a form of a little girl, with Remillia wearing a lolita outfit & Aldera wearing some kind of sailor uniform. They protect Zakuro because Zakuro's parents sacrifice themselves exchange for a lifetime contract & also, both of them came into interest on her strenght & Hora the Red Reaper. Saera knows about both of them, as they always appear in front of her. Both of them are very playful & loving to Zakuro, but very cold & brutal to the other. Remillia has an icy blue eyes & Aldera has an burning red eyes


Exo Reaction: Like I said, she doesn't feel, she just does it. But this time...her heart beats softly when it's about her destiny

Connected Within The Soul

Exo Prince: Oh Se Hun

Personality: Sehun may seem manly & quiet at the first time. But really, he's a big dork & really playful. He's the youngest in EXO so to the othes, he's still a baby. Although many people says he's a little bit of a scaredy cat, he actually isn't. He's really brave & will challange almost eveything. He only acted cute when in front of his hyungs. He's not really that innocent, he's kind of cocky & erted for a guy, although he rarely flirts or interact with girls. He's known for his cocky & playful remarks despite being the youngest. Even though he's a man outside, he's actually a sensitive little prince & still needs protection. He believes in destiny, so he believe that his soulmate will come if he feels the same way with her

Bio: Sehun is the boy that born on the far east of the wind tribe. He's the prince of the wind, the only son of the king & queen. But his home was attacked by the Exorcist. His friends were killed, many people ran away, his parents sacrifice themselves to protect him & he was forced to move. He was founded by the other EXO prince & took care of him. Because of this, his bond with his brothers is very strong & he will do anything to protect them. Although he possess a great power, he's unable to control his powers yet. His powers depends on his emotions. If he's depressed or furious or extremely sad, he could destroy the entire asia with his tornado...he still need practice

Interactions: Sehun took deep interest in her. He always annoys her & tease while Zakuro just ignores her. Displeased with her, his teasing got even more worse he even bring up the sensitive topic that Zakuro never wants to talk about & resulting Zakuro to despise him & ignore him more. Sehun feels guilty & apologize immediately. It took a long time for Zakuro to forgive him but eventually she forgave him. He turns into a very caring, protective, possessive & follows her everyday...more like a puppy in love

Come Together: Please~ Surprise Me~

Back-Up Exo Prince: Huang Zi Tao

Personality: He's actually almost the same as Sehun, only he's more shy & quiet

Bio: Tao is the controller of time, the boy that born with the necklace with the shape of a sand-glass & the ability to rewind, replay, fast-forward & stops the time. Everything in his range or he touch, will be affected by his powers except for the people that he chooses to be not affected by his powers. If he dies, the time will go through an error & space will be in chaos.

Interactions: At first, Tao is scared of her because of her ghostly looks & cold aura. But as time goes by, he over-look the ice mask of her & see the sweet girl inside her. He became very protective & possesive of her & will get jealous easily when she's with another guy (exception to duizhang because he's like Saera's big brother XD). Her interaction to Tao is no different to the others. Although somewhere in the way, she feels a strong attraction & the feeling of protection towards him that made her shell to break

Come Together: Surprise me!

Exorcist Must Go

Requests: Can you add a scene where Wu Fan is talking to Zakuro & calls her Cordelia then Sehun got jealous but he can't do anything XD Also, surprime me about her twin~

Suggestions: Hmmm, I think an opening song will be cool. Like in anime you know? Maybe the 1st opening song of Shingeki No Kyojin or Ao No Exorcist songs will be a good fit for this fanfiction ^^

Questions: -

Comments: Annyeong Haseyo~ Thank you for reviewing & considering Saera, I hope you like her & if there's any mistakes please notify me. Gamsahamnida~



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Thank you for applying~
0_0 character is definitely an interesting one. Duel-personality, she's got 2 guardians which is really surprising because everyone so far just has 1 so I found that pretty astounding. Something that does confuse me though is how she know Kris even though he is an Exo Prince from another universe, but, I'll allow it and make it work somehow just for you :)