

So my hub's bday was last week and one of the things I got him was some Creed's Millesime Imperial, which I heard was rumored to be the cologne Taemin wears (among lots of other celebs), and ANYWAY I don't know if it's true or not, but if it is HOLY HELL this SMELLS AMAZING. I'd be humping his face in no time if I smelled him walk past me. (I've already imagined it...). APHRO-dee-SI-AC. I've already assaulted my man several times.  XD  Worth the money; he thinks so too. haha  I can't even imagine being close enough to Taemin, or any SHINee, in order to smell this holy ambrosial scent on their skin if they had it on.  *_*  GAME OVER


"Officer:  and then my face."


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im determined to go to nostrom tomorrow and smell that perfume ;^;
Finding Taemin smells like something you wanna hump makes my night. Omg I would love it to know he smells good like its weird but really~
Ps. Happy Bleated B-day D. ! :)
Haha i see you actually bought it. The small bottle? Ordering more? What are the notes in it again? Citrus? Mmm sounds yummy XD
hahahahahaah xDDDDD omg hahaha
I love that gif xDDDD
note to self: must find that cologne!
... I'll just note that for later...

- I distinctly remember you telling me that you were Emile-
SHINeeFever_95 #8
Oh god that gift xP
Anyway, how'd you know about the cologne? I think I know why your hubby tjinks it's worthy the money with you assaulting him hehe....
I'd any SHINee too (with or without cologne btw) gosh do I sound creepy?