*SM Ent* *New COED group* Lights* | Jang Sang Min

Username: nabicat

How active are you: 10

What should I call you: Bobo


Who are you, or should I say "me"

Character's full name: Jang Sang Min

Nicknames: Sand Man {always sleeping}

Stage name: Min

Characters age: 17

Date of birth: October 19th, 1995

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Ethinicity: Full Korean

Languages: Korean {native} English {conversational}

Height: 179 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Any tattoos or peircings?: 3 piercings on his right ear


Tell me more

Personality: A bit of a prankster, Min is just like a child. Always smiling brigtly and making jokes. You may think that his energy is endless, because even after pulling an all-nighter with practice or filiming he is still bouncing off the walls. People have said he can get a bit annoying in that sense though. But whenever it comes to stage performances or times where he needs to be serious, in a snap he is a different person. Whenever times are stressed, he will never show that he is stressed and will always make lame jokes to lighten the mood. You could say he is like the team's cheerleader.


Background: Raised by his 3 older brothers, his childhood was never easy. His day consisted of school, work, sleep. His Mother was a singer in a broadway show who left them when Min was three, thinking that if people knew she had kids then she would have a harder time being picked for lead roles. Their father was a alchoholic who drank all the time and slept on the couch. Since Min never really had a childhood, you could say that is why he is so childish and out-going but is an atribute to his hard-working attitude.. At one of his school fesitvals a group of his friends and him danced and sang to Brown Eyed Girl's Abracadabra, little to their knowledge that a SM Entertainment scount was in the groud to see his daughter who was performing after them.



  • Skinship
  • Sweets
  • Video games
  • Sleeping {all....the...time}
  • Studying
  • Their Fans
  • Blogs




  • Being compared to Ren from Nu'est
  • Girl Groups
  • Loosing
  • Salty Foods
  • Religious people



  • Always having to tell all s he loves them before they leave or go to sleep
  • Looking at his feet when he is ashamed
  • Arriving too early
  • Falling Asleep at random times



  • Sleeping
  • Watching music videos
  • Playing games on his phone
  • Shopping online



  • Can look like a girl
  • Can draw
  • Can do origami
  • Can do a handstand



  • Geese
  • Being alone



  • Favorite song is Fiction by B2ST
  • Is probably BIGBANG's biggest fan
  • Shaves his legs




The beautiful you


Faceclaim: Dae Hwan


Backup faceclaim: Park Tae Jun





Style: Min could care less about his clothing, but seems to go more towards the more girly type clothing.

Casual: 1~2

Formal: 1~2

Sports: 1~2

Dorm: 1~2

Pj: 1~2


OMG that /

Rival: Minzy

Personality: out-going, fun, loud

Why are you rivals: she made a snarky comment about how lights were never going to be famous and belong in the trash

Backup rival: Jessica


My biggest fans


| HwaYoung | 50 | mother | 1 | singer |

| Kibum | 52 | father | 1 | none|

| Kibum | 26 | Brother | 10 | student |

|Daemin | 25| brother | 8 | teacher |

| Kyusun | 20 | brother | 9 | student |




Love interest: CL

Personality: hard-working, caring, nice

How you met: running man {?}

Relationship: just friends...



Its MY time to shine

Persona: Enternal Makane

Position: Visual ; Lead Dancer

Backup position: Lead Vocalist ; dancer

How long have you trained: 3 years

How did you enter the company?: Was scouted at his school festival

Singing twin:  Ren from Nu'est

Rapping twin: can't rap

Dancing twin: Chanyeol - EXO

Personal Fanclub name: Legos



Time to say that unwanted goodbye

Scene suggestions:  Rumors of the girls and guys splitting

Any comments?: none

Good Luck :) 






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