10080 fanfic.....

Well, last night I read one of the best fanfics most of you have heard of it 10080.....

I cried to the point of my family running in my room and checking on me! It was so emotional!

When I first started reading it I was like "Oh, I doubt I will cry I love Baekyeol.... but I am a VERY emotional person... so I probably will cry"

It took me about 30 minutes to calm down then, my aunt came over and we watched a scary movie (that didn't help my emotions any!)

My aunt even freaked out about my crying and my mom threatened to take Kpop away from me!!! Causing me to cry even more....

In conclusion, I need to quit being so emotional and I will never read another sad fanfic again!

 Thank you for reading XD and if you haven't read 10080 yet you should!!!


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lol usually I don't cry reading fanfics but that was just too much omg...