[Jung Kwang Sun ] SM new coed group "Lights"


Username: livewithsound

How active are you: 8

What should I call you: Beau


Who are you, or should I say "me"

Character's full name: Jung Kwang Sun

Nicknames: Sunny, Apollo, Brighter than the Sun

Stage name: Sunny

Characters age: 16

Date of birth: December 1st, 1996

Birth Place: Los Angeles, California

Ethinicity: Half Korean, Half American

Languages: English (native), Korean (fluent), French (Conversational)

Height: 180cm

Weight: 60kg

Any tattoos or peircings?: 3 (one in right ear, one in the right and right cartilage)


Tell me more

Kwang Sun isn't like the typical korean boy you see in a drama, or even the typical korean boy that is watching the drama, oh no Kwang Sun is the drama on your TV. Life around him is never dull. Even though he's only 16 he carries himself as if he's equal to anyone that steps up to him. He's never been one to hold back what he has to say and was always the one to set the latest trends at his school. Even though he may come across as rude at times he's a loyal friend and will do anything for his friends, but by no means is he some push-over. His fans love him for his "brighter than the sun" personailty. He's got a style all his own and the fans love him for that, though he can have his diva moments. Regardless of who you are, boy or girl, you'll find something to love about Kwang Sun.



Kwang Sun is a half-korean from LA. While he was there he was the guy to be at his highschool. Girls and boys alike wanted him to be their own. Yes Kwang Sun is gay, sorry ladies. But he still loves to do all the things any other guy would like to do. Even though he was techically the most popular guy there he only kept about 3 good friends. His fashion sense is among the elite, always the one to set trends and the next trend after that. Moving to korean was a bittersweet feeling for him since he had to leave behind his friends and reputaion. However he was happy to leave behind his reputaion as the school's "Hot Head". Kwang Sun has been known to have a short fuse and can get defensive if you look at him the wrong way, but he's still the boy that's "brighter than the sun".



 - Singing
 - Dancer
 - Fashion/Acessories
 - Animals
 - Guys with aegyo
 - Attention
 - Saying what he wants
 - Writing lyrics
 - Girls with aegyo



 - Cleaning
 - Bugs (especially spiders)
 - Waking up early
 - When people throw themselves at him
 - Liars
 - Gay bashing
 - Being interupted



 - Running his fingers through his hair
 - Doing aegyo with his hyungs
 - talking loud without noticing
 - Dancing whenever music starts playing



 - Singing
 - Writing his own lyrics for his "secret solo debut"
 - Dancing
 - Shopping
 - Talking and hanging out
 - Eating
 - Experimenting with different things to come up with the next trend



 - Can tell when someone is where extensions with one look
 - Flexible
 - Modeling
 - Dancing



 - Heights
 - Spiders
 - Losing his hair
 - Breaking a bone
 - His group wont be successful



 - Youngest of 4
 - Hot headed
 - Likes to show off
 - Hates onions
 - Was captain of his school's dance team for 3 years
 - Can play the French Horn
 - Likes to sing while he cleans to make it fun
 - Best cook in the group
 - Most flexible in the group




The beautiful you



Faceclaim: Lee Dong Hoon

1 Gallery or 3 photos: Gallery 1

Backup faceclaim: Park Hyung Seok

1 Gallery or 2 photos: Gallery 2




Style: Kwang Sun's style is simple yet stunning, it only works on him.

Casual: 1~2 (Hyperlink or description)

Formal: 1~2 (Hyperlink or description)

Sports: 1~2 (Hyperlink or description)

Dorm: 1~2 (Hyperlink or description)

Pj : Kwang Sun prefers to sleep in a pair of gym shors and a comfortable T-shirt


OMG that /

Rival: Luhan

Personality: He's a nice guy but ugh why so much skinship!? A little is okay but he's a tad to touchy for me!

Why are you rivals: He's too touchy! And I dont like the way he's all over Namjoo

Backup rival: Kai


My biggest fans

Family: (3 siblings at the most and one idol sibling at the most)

| Mi Young | 45 | mother | 8 | Owns a modeling agency|

| Hyun Ki | 49 | father | 7 | CEO of DreamTea Ent|


Friends: (2 best friends and 4 friends at the most)

| Minho | 21 | Idol | 9 | We modeled together at my  mom's agency, since then he's been like a modeling coach to me|

| Hyoyeon | 23 | Idol | 10 | She was the the undercover talent scout that signed me to SM from the dance competition |

| Dong Min | 17| We used to model together


Love interest: Kim Nam Joo

Personality: Caring, and cute but can also stand up for herself and others. She's also really funny and whenever we're with eachother she never fails to make me laugh until I have to pee!

How you met: Before I joined sm I had competed in a local dance competition, which is how I got scouted, and Namjoo was watching me while I was doing a quick run through of my dance before it was my turn to go on. I saw her and he tried to hide behind a bush which made me crack up laughing. The rest is history. :)

Relationship: Yes, for the past 7 months

Backup love interest: Luna


Its MY time to shine

Persona: Flashy Dancer

Position: Main Dancer, Visual, Sub Vocalist

Backup position: Main Rapper, Dancer

How long have you trained: 2 1/2 years

Trainee life: Trainee life would've gone a lot smoother for Kwang Sun if he knew how to control his temper. He would've been kicked out of the company if Minho and Hyoyeon didn't save his on an almost daily basis.

How did you enter the company?: Discovered at a local dance competiion by an undercover talent scout (Hyoyeon)

Singing twin: Taemin

Rapping twin: Key

Dancing twin: Eunhyuk

Personal Fanclub name: Fireworks


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