A talented student ~ Lee Jihyun


Username: b2utyful374

Activeness: (8)

What's your name?      

                                        -What's your name, 4minute



Name: Lee Jihyun


  • English Name- Isabella
  • Bella-her friends in the states call her this
  • Belly: a name her older sister calls her to get on her nerves

Age: 16 (junior)

Date of birth: July 3, 1997

Ethnicity: 1/3 Chinese, 1/3 American, 1/3 Korean

Languages: English (fluent), Chinese (basic), Korean (Almost fluent)

Place of birth: Los Angles, California

Hometown: Michigan, Detroit

Appearance/looks: Jihyun is a very childish looking girl, with long dark wavy locks and her dark blue eyes she inherited from her father, she looks a bit like a drawing. She stands at short 5 feet and 4 inches so many like to pick on her height. Given that she is small she also lack the necessary curves that you see in the states, instead she opts for a fit and healthy body. Her best feature she would say are her hands and eyes. You don't very often see an Asian girl with deep blue eyes but that's thanks to her father's American genes. As of her hands, she has the slender hands of a pianist which she is particularly fond of. Jihyun is a very fashion forward girl, following the latest trends and throwing out what she dislikes. Recently she had fallen in love with long billowy skirts/dressesheavy sweaters for the fall and winter, and oversized tees. Her all time favorite though is to just kick back and relax in a messy bun, sweats and a cartoon sweater

Face claim: Kim Shin Yeong

Gallery: Here

Back up face claim: Park Chan Neul





So Beautiful My Girl

-Beautiful, B2st


Persona: Cute, curious girl

Personality: Jihyun is a very curious girl. If you tell her that it's a secret she'll be dying to know and may go as far as to find out what it is, which she does quite often and that lands her in a bit of trouble. She is, however, good at getting out it. Because of her cute charm you can't really stay mad at her for long, she usually puts the blame on herself often sulking on her own. Jihyun doesn't exert an overwhelming of ageyo since it comes to her naturally for being so clueless at times. She is very intelligent but hates admitting it so she doesn't say anything unless asked. A hardworking girl, it' easy for anyone to get along with her and she loves making friends. Jihyun is very bubbly and people find her weird at first but learn to love her cute charm.

Background: Jihyun was born to middle class parents and one older sister, but when she was 6 her father died which resulted in her mom working around the clock; the 2 sisters never saw to much of her yet Jihyun somehow managed to keep a tight bond with her mom. They're grandfather eventually moved in with them and that is where Jihyun learned how to speak Korean-since her father was Chinese and American. Her sister rebelled against their grandfather's upbringing-always clashing heads with him-she left the house hold at the age of 16 running off with her boyfriend. Jihyun doesn't hear much from her. Jihyun on the other hand seems to be the apple of his eye, he is always doting on her which brings a smile to her face. Despite his consent lectures and temper issues with her she knows how to calm him down and make him smile, something that not even her mom understands. Jihyun learned to play the piano from her grandfather and it sparked something in her that wasn't there before. Many people consider her a prodigy since she learned to play without flaw within 2 months. After dabbling in singing for her school musical she also became fond of acting, singing, and dancing.


Lee Hanna | 25 | Older sister | Occupation: unknown | Closeness 5/10 | Jihyun only hears from her every 3 weeks or so just calling to make sure she is doing well. She never knows where her sister is, but she assures her she is living a happy life.

Lee Sunwoo | 65 | Grandfather | unemployed | Closeness 9/10 | As stated above, he is very doting on her. Though he tends to scold her, they often hang out together. And he always tells her that he must approve of the boy she likes before she dates him.

Lee Susan | 37 | Doctor | Closeness 8/10 | Because she is not home often they speak mainly over the phone, usually about what's going on in their lives. When she does come home, they almost always have mother daughter days.


Yoon Dujun | 17 | Senior | Closeness 8 | They meet one day in class when they are told to pair up for a piano duet. They treat each other like siblings, often talking about composing music and famous musicians.

Lee Joon | 17 | senior | Closeness 9 | Joon bumps into Jihyun her first day and they instantly become friends. Joon likes to make Jihyun run lines with him and they often confide in each other.


  • Favorite drink is tea with honey
  • Favorite color is pink
  • Bites her lip when she is nervous
  • Bites her nails when in deep thought
  • Before rehearsing or anything, she puts her hair in high pony
  • She smiles in her sleep often
  • Always seem to fall asleep anywhere
  •  is always to wake up and fall asleep
  • Is a shopaholic
  • Get's lost easily
  • plays the piano when stressed
  •  When learning a song, she will listen to it hours on end


  • Rainy days
  • taking long walks
  • The color pale pink
  • Sleeping in the music room
  • chocolate
  • cute little phone accessories
  • shopping
  • pastries
  • going to small snack shops
  • Ramen!
  • Yiruma


  • bugs
  • liars
  • hypocrites
  • cheaters
  • veggies
  • hot weather

Talents: (

  • Singing
  • Piano
  • Dance (ish)
  • Acting (ish)







Heart To Heart 

  -Heart to Heart, 4minute 




Love Interest: Yang Yoseob


Name: Yang Yoseob

Age: 17 (senior)

Date of birth: January 5, 1996

Persona: Sweet babo

Personality: Yoseob is a sweet guy as most would brand him. He likes to help others and make them feel welcome and he never turns his back on his friends. Everyone always says that he has a good head on his shoulders and is very reliable never failing to meet the expectations. He's hardworking and almost everyone want's to be his friend. He might as well be labeled the visual maknae among his friends as well since he can get away with almost anything with them. His charm is that even though he isn't mysterious or aloof, he is fun to be around making you feel bubbly and warm like you are being touched by a ray of sunlight.

How do you meet: Yoseob finds her lost around the shopping strip mall and offers to help her get back to school but he does not tell her that he goes to that school. 

Interactions: Yoseob likes to make Jihyun blush as he thinks she looks extremely cute when doing so. Whether it is kissing her hand, or playing with her hair he likes to be around her and make her smile. Yoseob likes to take her on long walks and making time for little picnics. He is a romantic guy and makes it known that he likes her, always asking about her well being and getting worried about her. 

Major: Singing and dance


  • loves to sing
  • nicknamed copy cat dancer
  • learns a new dance very fast
  • been singing for over 8 years
  • loves to take selcas




Crush: Kim Sunggyu

Name: Kim Sunggyu

Age: 16 (Junior)

Date of birth: March 13, 1996

Persona: Sensitive Jerk

Personality: Although he may come off as a jerk at first because of his smart a** remarks, Sunggyu is actually a sensitive guy who gets jealous easily. The girls at school find him extremely attractive but don't know how to address him due to his uncaring attitude. If he takes a liking to you it'd be hard to avoid him as for some reason fate works in his favor pulling you to him. Once you get past the barrier that he puts up to keep people out you notice he is a guy who gets hurt easily but is able to conceal it without having others worry about him.

How do you guys meet: Sunggyu is actually the one who lands Jihyun in detention by making her late for class. The first day of school after Jihyun meets Joon she sees myungsoo already ditching class but doesn't pay any attention to him until she gets lost in school and meets him yet again. Trying to ask for directions and not getting an answer they are confrontd by a teacher who chases them out of the school.

Interactions: Opposite with Yoseob, Sunggyu likes to play the push and pull game with Jihyun. Making her mad and angry so that she will argue with him is weirdly entertaining to him. Jihyun can never tell what's on his mind or how he is really feeling and that frustrates her, he is quite the mystery to her. 


  • is kinda obsessive/possive 
  • likes to bother Jihyun at night by making her stay awake
  • Loves to have late night snacks
  • Famous for his eye smile
  • (I can't think of anymore at the moment)





Tic Toc

-Tic Toc, Infinite

Grade: Junior (11)

Favorite subject: Vocal studies

Least Favorite subject: Math

How were you discovered: She auditioned for a musical in school and didn't know that her friend was recording her, the video ended up on line. 

Major: Classical music-piano, Singing major

Classes: Theater, composing, French, Vocal Studies

How do you get detention?: Already stated above ^^





As Good As It Gets        tumblr_m16w54rheb1qlor5p.gif

                                -As good as it gets, Infinite


Comments: I'm the author ^^

Suggestions: Again I'm the author




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