first blog post, weekend, immortal song, fic, ze:a..... random in general

test... test.... lol~ finally making a blog post on this account..

it's weekend, and as someone who have no social life whatsoever, so i just going to spend my time peacefully at home.. hu.. hu.. but going to have a birthday lunch to celebrate mom's birthday soon~ yay!!!!!!!!!!

ah..... re-watching immortal song... was that ep 115? THE BEST EPISODE OF IMMORTAL SONG EVER!!!!!! to me! hands down!! 

not only it has ALL of my fave IS' casts (Jung Dongha, Moon Myungjin, Im Taekyung, ZE:A) but the performances were beautiful!!! JK Kim Dongwook, LeeJung ad Bada were there too!! totally fits the theme.. THE LEGEND! i remember cried during JDH's perf... totally worth my tears OTL

The scores were AMAJJING xD

ZE:A was entertaining too~ :)

seriously can't wait for the subbed vid ><

talking about ZE:A.... i just paid for my ZE:A CD... It's late, i know u_u but since i want to buy another CD too, i need to save money first.. anyway, haven't got the confirmation from the shop ;A; text me soon please~

it's been a long time since i wrote a fic for this account :( i want to write something, but too busy... but i'm actually thinking about re-writing a fic from my other account and turn it into a ze:a fic.... but....... idk....

well, enough with this random post.. bye!


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