❀ Hostess ╎Lorraine Park╎Taeri╎The Pink Rose

 `The Hostess

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Lorraine Park 

❀I'm just being me!


What should I call you?: Eleanor

Activeness: 9



❀Not gonna live in the shadows

Character Name: Lorraine Concetta Park

Other Names: 

Korean: Park Taeri /태리

Japanese: Haruka Hasegawa/遥 長谷川

Chinese: Li Zhao Yu / 赵 



 doesn't like to treated like a child, but she is too childish! so its better to call her ahjumma


just an usual nickname

-Ice Cream Idiot

she loves ice cream. she really does. even though she has a cough/flu, she will buy it. Their dorm's freezer is really full because of her ice cream(s).


she really resembles Pikachu when she talks.

-Netizen's First Love

when her photos are leaked at Allkpop.com, netizens instantly fall in love with her.

Age: 16 

Birthdate: December 31, 1996

Hometown: Quebec, Canada

Birthplace: Quebec, Canada

Ethnicity: half Canadian half Korean

Languages: English [fluent], Korean [fluent], France [fluent] Chinese [conversational]

Personality: she is hardhearted and selfish most of the time. Ceta always tend to have lots of problems within your family in the early stages but she  will be able to cope with everything. She has her way in everything. And from birth Ceta woould always have to work hard to achieve anything she wants. She always make a point to set examples on others, especially the younger ones. Generally, she is a bit cool person. Its not easy dealing with Ceta. She is a tough player. But once she is comfortable with someone, it will be a lasting friendship. she will never let anyone she loves get hurt. she often does aegyo to get what her want, yet she is really innocent. she asked to her unnie once, 'how can baby born unnie? where did they come from?'. she always laugh, really often. she is the happy virus of the group. She always earn respect from others. She has a lot of worries and problem like crazily, because she is a bit pessimist. She loves money a bit too much. She always be a generous and kind person, cheerful. 


Ceta gets along with boys really well, Ceta has the most fangirl haters at her group, meanwhile she has the most fanboys.The thing she hates the most is losing, that's why she won't even tries even she had a chance. She has a bright personality.


Lorraine Park [Park Taeri] was born at Quebec, Canada. Her father and her mother studied at University of Quebec. Her father is a gallant&resolute korean man which it can melt her mother’s heart. He went to Canada because he got a scholarship. Her mother is a really pretty Canadian girl. Many boys are liking her mother. Her mother takes performing arts subject meanwhile her father  athletics subject. They met on their graduation, her father speech for athletics faculty and her mother speech for permorning arts faculty. Since that day they start going out, and they decided to marry. She has an elder sister named, Beverly Veronica Park ,she is taller than Ceta, 180cm, and an elder brother named, Matthew Drake Park which is 187cm tall. Her father is 184 cm tall, and her mother is 179tall. Her family member are all huge and Ceta is the shortest among them. PS: She is the only one who looks like a Korean, even its just a little. Her brother&sister has a western beauty.

 At 2009, is the first time she goes to Seoul, SouthKorea. Because her grandfather had a cancer and her father and mother wants to take care of him. And after that, her grandpa died. Her father decided that Ceta and her family must stay here with her grandma since she is alone now. Her brother and sister is staying at Quebec , meanwhile Ceta and his parents are at Seoul.She struggles a lot to 'blend' with other Korean people. Since she has double-eyelids, its hard for her to make friend since she doesn't even have to go to plastic surgeon meanwhile all of them already did a surgery and they often put pranks on Ceta

Her father was a fan of Shinhwa & H.O.T. He loves listening to their song and he often listen to it together with Ceta and she is loves it. Her father accompany her to a dance cover group when she was young. Her singing talents must come from her mother. Her mother was a musical actor after she decided to leave and build her own business. Ceta loves Hongdae street, the fact that she is a shopaholic. And she was scouted by a staff in 2010. First, she runs away because her mother told her to not talk to a stranger. After he chased her and finally that SM staff gives her an ID card. Firstly, she is afraid to in since she heard that agencies' rule is cruel. But, her father supports her alot and finally she decided to go to anaudition at SM. She was rejected, but she doesn't give up. She takes the courage to go to an audition again at Dreamer Entertainment. And fortunately, she is accepted. Since she decided to be a trainee, her father&mother also her siblings are at Canada meanwhile she he lives with her grandmother and her family often send money, even though her grandma's pension fund is more than enough.

❀Save me from myself

Face Claim:Do Hwe Ji

Links/Tumblr: click!

Back-up Face Claim: Jang Chom Mi

Links/Tumblr: click!

Style: she will always buy anything, if she loves it. without exception. she loves loose t-shirt, hoodie, sweater and such. she doesn't like heels, she only have 10 pairs of heels, and can be more. her sneakers? she has a special room for it. she usually wears short bottom, showing her pretty feet. due to her laziness, she often use one-piece. she loves beanie and bowler hat.

Casual Style: 







Formal Style:







Airport Style:






Dorm Style:








Practice Style: 








Weight: 54kg

❀You're the reason why


Park Kyungho | 57 | alive | korean traditional restaurant owner | 3

Scarlett Portman | 54 | alive | boutique owner | 3

Beverly Park | 23 | alive | catalog model | 4

Matthew Park | 20 | alive | professional photographer | 5

Best Friend: 

Jung Eunji | 20 | idol from apink | apink fansign | 5 out of 5.


❀Oh Sehun| idol from EXO| 19

❀Kim JungAh| idol from Afterschool | 28

❀Kim Heechul | idol from Super Junior| 28

❀Pfft... .



Rival Name: Sunny Lee

Age: 24

Group: SNSD

Personality: she wants to win over everyone, since his uncle is the CEO of SMent, she always claims that attention is all hers.

How you became rivals: Ceta became famous at SM because of her pretty body&face also everyone is shocked that the fact she is rejected. Sunny doesn't like it, she wants the attention!

How you act around each other: Ceta act like 'i-dont-give-a--for you' and Sunny kept glaring at Ceta.

❀Miss Moving On


Love Interest Name: Park Chanyeol

Age: 21

Group: EXO

Personality: he is the happy virus, he always smile even though he is sad. he has high ambitions, he will reach his target no matter how.

How you guys met: Chanyeol thought Ceta is an Arabian, so he ask 'are you arabic? asia asia?' like and idiot. Ceta is Canadian, not an Arabian. 'I am from Canada, idiot!' and both of them laugh loudly.

Relationship: friend

How you act around each other: they are crazy, and often laughs together, even though there is no jokes or such. They match each other perfectly.



Backup Love Interest Name: Lee Minhyuk

Age: 22

Group: BtoB

Personality: same as above

How you guys met: same as above

Relationship: same as above

How you act around each other: same as above



Love Rival Name: JR/ Junior Royale

Age: 18

Group: NU'EST

Relationship: best friend

Personality: he may looks scary outside, but he is a total sweet guy! he doesn't really get along with people, but when he loves a person, he will never let them go

How you act around each other: like a bestfriend always do ouo

Why are you love rivals: JR loves Ceta. Its a public secret, but Chanyeol suddenly appears and change his position.

❀Only Hope


  • blue
  • milktea
  • shopping
  • ramyun 
  • sleeping
  • pigtails
  • gaming
  • sausage
  • Geography
  • London
  • animals
  • sweaters
  • fashion
  • sneakers
  • hoodies


  • cats
  • vegetables
  • make up
  • high heels
  • phsyc 
  • chemistry
  • egg
  • pink
  • yellow
  • fish
  • garlic


  • eating
  • sleeping
  • ice skating
  • playing basketball
  • aegyo
  • creates a love sign
  • teasing her unnies
  • plays banjo


  • bite her lips
  • mehrong 
  • creates a duck face
  • use sneakers, her unnies will bullies her if she use higheels since she is a tower already>.<


  • Has a cross tattoo at her ankle
  • Her real hair, is honey blonde, and a bit wavy. But she always dyes her hair because she hates it. She usually dyes it into brunette.
  • She has 6 piercing. 3 on each earlobes.
  • has a golden retriever named Janggu
  • talk too much and over-dorkiness!
  • the best at aegyo, but hates it
  • innocent
  • crybaby
  • loves blue a lot
  • chocolate is her 'must-have' snack
  • has the sweetest smile
  • Him Ceta[strong Ceta]
  • love sweets and sours
  • has a blue banjo, blue violin, blue guitar, and a blue saxophone
  • can't cook. really.
  • bad at drawing 
  • use softlenses often
  • left handed
  • too naive
  • LOVE to spend her money
  • cannot act y, she is just too cute.

❀This Is My Untitled Song

Stage Name: Taeri

Persona: The Canasian Baby

Position:Power Vocalist, Visual

Back-up Position: Main Rapper, Vocalist

Personal Fanclub Name and Color: milktea(blue ocean)

Twitter Account: blueish3112

Facebook Account: Lorraine Concetta Park

Tumblr Account: http://blueish.tumblr.com

Kaokaotalk account: 

me2day account: http://me2day.com/cparkeu

❀Love U, Like U

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Scene requests: nope

Love requests: nope

Song suggestions: because of you - afterschool, tahiti-love sick,fiestar-vista

Password: [LOL JK NO PASSWORD. I just wanted to make sure you read the rules. ^_^]


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