A shot I really like?:D

Probably the second one(: The first shot was supposed to be nice but it became like I had to suppress my smile because my brother was telling me this, "Please don't take me, I have no pants on!" So yeah, I was about to press the shutter when he said that and I wanted to laugh, too bad I had already pressed the shutter button a second later and it turned out this way xD (Yo bro, you weren't taken~!) So yeap, I think I look like a pleasant and kind girl in the second photo, hehe! (Self-praise! Don't put me down!)  Oh! And that was two days ago, I still think my hair was realllllyyyy pretty that day! - Considering I had no make up on! *Maybe only lip balm, haha!*(Too bad happens and the wind made my hair a mess after a few hours ._.) And it was a reallllyyyy unlucky day because I dropped lots of stuff T.T I drop my pink camera... (Oops..) My fries.. (Poor fries, talking about it, I dropped another packet today! GRRRR! And I only ate 15 pieces of fries.. My brother was saying how God wanted me to be slim and not take any fast food. Singaporeans? Any? McDonalds' fries?:D) And a cup of iced milo all over my dress -.- So yeap, I was lucky the driver reached on time~! So.. yeap. I posted this out of boredom, you can choose to ignore my annoying post or.. maybe leave a comment?:D

And I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel with my friend. What do you guys think? I'm a little afraid though, I've never posted anything really personal online. Like, maybe preparing to have thousands watching me :/ Or maybe not, I'm getting far too ahead of myself. :/ My friend is from Turkey, which makes her a 'Caucasian' in Singapore or.. an 'Angmoh' heheh! And we're thinking of  making a channel named, 'EuropeanVSAsian'. Which actually portrays how different our culture is from one another in a comedy way. 


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Oh~ you're going on youtube..~ Do tell me okay^^.
oh my goodness you're very pretty!!! blessed with good looks and talent in writing (:
Cool youtube hmmm make sure you tell me your Is kay ?
i cant wait to see your yout8ube channel i will definately subscribe :P and i agree the second photo looks better and nice outfit :P