Butchering a Dance

A Horrible Story


Her: OMG! I just learned the dance for History!

Me: Okay. That's cool... *I don't really care. I just waved...*

Her: ~Showing me the dance.~


*You just butchered it.*

Her: That was fun. I just got it perfect. ~Wipes off her sweat.~

Me: tumblr_maz1wx0gju1r4hilzo1_500.gif

*You're ing killing me.*

Her: Am I that good? ~Hella happy.~


I'm sorry, but haven't you seen yourself dance?

Her: ~All sad.~

Me: tumblr_mnglprULad1rzdoxko1_500.gif

*I'm just gonna go.*



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R_Squared_Pi #1
That is the saddest/ funniest. It's funny because of the gifs.