Things That Would Always Make My Heart Ache T___________T





Have you ever experienced one of those moments where your heart breaks all over again when you see a happy memory that you know you'll never get back?




I was just randomly glancing at FB pictures of myself one year ago when I came across this....




...a candid picture taken by a friend of mine of me and my ex-boyfriend spending a lazy afternoon in the park, watching the sunset. I don't know...I guess I'm kinda stupid for feeling the pain of our break-up all over again after seeing this but I miss these moments so much...


...going out to drink coffee or eat ice cream at 1 am in the morning (on a SCHOOL NIGHT) even though our parents wouldn't let us go out with each other and we had to sneak around all the time...

...going to the park and lying on the grass to watch the clouds...

...talking about our dreams and about traveling the world together...

...laughing at every stupid thing and sharing secret smiles...


Even though he isn't my first love...(since my first love is my best friend and it never worked out)...he was the person who taught me how wonderful and totally awesome it is to love someone and be loved back by that person.

I guess it's understandable why my heart would ache even though it's been quite a while since we broke up...right?


Or maybe I'm just a sappy, crazy idiot. LOLz.


P.S. Sorry for being random. XD


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millionfandoms #1
Aww.. I know what you feel :(
Ahhh i'm about to cry!!haaa Those feelings are wonderful(altough idk what it is coz i never had a bf)And those sentences were Amazing!!:)
And that's Right!I hope your heart don't ache anymore..Soon :)
It's okay... you'll have more happy memories in the future! I'm sure! :D
That's sad. But, I think that instead, you should embrace the memories. Don't let yourself think about where it left you. Think about how it made you who you are today, and why those memories are so sweet. Then take that, and apply it to life. Each hurtful experience will only make you stronger :)
ouch!!! I know how you feels~
Hey chill girl.. I know this feeling.. Just get chill girl or you'll start doing something stupid like me...
Maressa0604 #7
Hey chill i know how you feel. One day, you'll overcome all those hardships. Things will change all the time, nothing will stay the same. You may be heartbroken but on the brighter side, you survived the journey.

Any by the way, it's a nice photo ^^ Cheer up dear friend!!
I totally understand you, that feeling is common to people who experienced a lot. It is hard to forget everything since it is really precious to you even what kind of move on you do, you will never forget this no matter what.
love the picture. if you still love him why don't you confess to him again even if he rejects you the burden in your heart will slowly fade away
uBae #9

YOU CAN MOVE ON even though it's hard ...
everybody has those memories...but if you broke up it means you will find better one who will give you a lot more happy memories to cherish and he will make you happy and forget about all the painful things...