Shuffle Game | Kpop Edition

My friends see me as: Run To You (Swing) - LED Apple | err, okk


My day will be like: Attention - Hyuna | I'm gonna get lots of attention? Yay!


I’ll have a good day if I can just hear: Expectation - Girl's Day | Well, true; I do like that song!


Next time I’m in front of a crowd, I’ll say: Mr. Taxi (Korean Version) - Girls' Generation | I do live in NYC, so it does kinds fit, lol.


My message to the world has always been: Run Away - Wei Chen, Lee Joon & Thunder | Sounds accurate to me.


Somewhere in my wedding vows, I will include: Don't Mess With Me - 2EYES | Nope, metal only on my wedding! \m/


My best friend is like: Too Late - John Park | ?? Hmpf


Right now, I feel: I'm a Bad Man - Tritops & P.O | No. I is not a manz!!..XD


What makes me happy is: Driver - Younha & Jay Park | Yeah, no. I only take the subway..XD


My birth was like: Stay The Way You Are - Supreme Team | Nuh-uh, I'm getting out of my mom's womb! Right.Now!


My deepest secret is: No More - Spica | omggg, how did ya know??!!?111?? Yeahhh, no.


If I reached the top of Mount Everest, I'd yell: Bastard - Secret | OMG, This is so perfect! I would, haha!


My favorite thing to do is: [to] Fire It Up - Dal Shabet | Oh, yeah. It must be cuz my favorite band is called In Flames. \m/


The story of my life is: Clap Music - Wonder Boyz | More like head-bang(ing) music.


At my funeral they’ll play: Lupin - KARA | No, they will play Jotun by In Flames. I already know it!


Behind my back, my friends think: [I am] One Of A Kind - G-Dragon | Oh YEAH~ HELOOOOOOOOO~


If I got lost on a desert island, I would yell: Twinkle Twinkle - Girl's Day | Tots! Yep, definitely. Can you read through my sarcasm?


When I’m in the shower, I sing: Haven - Nell | More like Boy-X from the same album!


My love of life was inspired by the song: Dirty - Miryo | I'm DIRTY, hey. I'm DIRTY DIRTY hey! Quite accurate, if I may say so!


High School was like: I Love You - Akdong Musician | NOT.EVEN.CLOSE


My family is described by this song: Selfish Love - Nell | XD How accurate! (Except for my grandma, she's more like "Selfless Love")


How will you die?: Enjoy[ing] the Show - Jay Park, Dok2 & The Qiett | Happy, then?


To cheer myself up?: Grandpa's Camera - Roy Kim | My grandpa doesn't even have a camera tho....


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secret has a song called "bastard"? inTERESTing.. XP
your sarcasm in some of the responses is cute ;x LOL