☆ Mystic ☆ Zhang Mei Xin ⱡ Princess of China ⱡ Pheromone


M Y S T I C 

layout by: geekreader



Zhang Mei Xin 

thewolves|9 |Pheromone





NICKNAMES: Poly Pocket (her bestfriends call her this because of her small height).

OTHER NAMES:  Melinda Zhang (her english name)
Soohyun Zhang (her korean name)

BIRTHDATE: 29th December

BIRTHPLACE: Beijing, China

HOMETOWN: Beijing, China


HEIGHT: 156cm

WEIGHT: 45kg


LANGUAGES:  Mandarin (Native), Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent)




PERSONALITY: Meixin is not the typical average girl, oh no, she is much more than that. She behaves like a stubborn girl, behaves like a princess. 
Meixin is beautiful, passionate, and glamourous. She is also very sensual, flirtatious and can catch the attention of every single men around her without trying too much. What baby wants, the baby gets, that's what everyone says about Meixin. She is also really vain, her vanity is 150% in a scale of 100%, no kidding.
Ever since early childhood, Meixin has gotten everything she wanted, and gained a very spoiled personality from it, but though she is self-centered, the lovely debutant is by no means selfish. She has always dreamed of marrying a prince and living a storybook life. She’s a ditzy, impulsive diva filled with spunk . There's a thing she can't do: chores! And why? Because it would make her sweat, it would make too much damage to her beautiful nails. When it comes to food, there's no such thing as chocolates, because it would make her become fat! 

People say 'you only live once', but Meixin believes that if you live good and with elegance, once is enough! She is the member with most fanboys in the group, not only because of her beautiful face, but also because of her way of walking, talking and looking at her fans, the way she looks at the camera in a photoshoot makes the hearts of fanboys melt. Her personality is has elegant as her clothes, people like her a lot because she is also really sweet and caring. She might sometimes be called selfish because she always thinks about herself first, but is not in a bad way, she just has too much self confidence! The mirror doesn't need to talk much, she knows how beautiful she is. Meixing is a spirited, smart, kind and playful girl in her late teens, though a bit naive. However, she is not afraid to stand up for herself or others when the situation calls for the bravery. Even though she doesn't like to have her hands dirty, she still loves the nature and would love having more time to plant trees. Nature is a big part of her life because gives her the peace she needs sometimes, and reminds her how good is being alive and being able to see such beautiful world. Doesn't let anyone get hurt in front of her eyes and believes that justice in the end will prevail.

BACKGROUND: Mei Xin was born in Beijing China, in the year of 1996, in a healthy family. She lived happily, in a family that cared enough about her happiness and comfort. Her mother is a doctor as well as her father. At the age of four, Meixin became known in all the country with her appearance in a CF for ZARA! Since that day, she never stopped in the modeling business.From an early age, Meixin and her older brother were the apple of her father’s eye. Anything she ever wanted was given to her, and her brother always got something to match. Her life has been filled with politics, riches and heavy discipline. Growing up as the youngest child wasn’t always easy for the young girl. Her parents always had too high expectations; she needed perfect grades, perfect friends, she always had to dress the perfect way.

All that pressure started to really weigh heavily upon her shoulders, eventually causing her to crack. She wanted to perform, she wanted to go to a arts school instead of becoming a doctor. She is manipulative and holds grudges, not forgeting things that easily.
She became a student at Seoul Performing arts school at the age of 15 when she moved to South Korea, where 2 months later, was invited to do an audition for a girlband. She always loved to sing, she always felt she was in cloud nine while singing, but wasn't just that. She felt a huge will to become an idol, to show to her parents that she was more than a pretty face, she also was talented and ambitious to persue her dream career.
She says that wants to go to university, because wants to have an opportunity to have a good job when her fame dies.


  • Zhang Hong Hui | Father | 46 | Doctor | wise, caring, hardworking
  • Huang Xi Fei | Mother | 45 | Doctor | strict, motherly, stubborn, intelligent
  • Zhang Yi Xing | Brother | 21 | Idol, EXO | talented, humble, caring, funny


  • Lu Han | 23 | Idol, EXO
  • Choi Sooyoung | 23 | Idol, SNSD


  • Jungkook | 16 | Idol, Bangtan Boys
  • Jung Daehyun | 20 | Idol, BAP
  • Kim Taeyeon | 24 | Idol, SNSD
  • Kwon BoA | 27 | Soloist
  • Hangeng | 29 | Soloist
  • Amber Liu | 21 | Idol, F(X)





  • japanese fashion
  • money
  • ballet
  • coca cola light
  • water
  • beach
  • sunny days
  • exercise
  • high heels
  • hello kitty
  • betty boop
  • parties
  • EXO


  • junk food
  • liars
  • procrastinators
  • bugs
  • chores
  • bad manners
  • cold
  • thunderstorms
  • clowns
  • chocolate



  • pouting
  • biting her lips
  • hiding her face while laughing
  • saying 'shikero'


  • shopping
  • nail art
  • internet
  • cinema
  • hanging out with friends


  • her older brother is zhang yixing from exo-m
  • in china, she was known as 'princess of china' because of her beautiful looks
  • also known as 'heartbreaker' for rejecting almost everyone that tries to make a move on her
  • was the lead role in hangeng's music video 'wild cursive'.
  • Xiumin from exo mentioned her in a interview saying that she was his ideal type
  • was one of the foreign trainees that didn't was bullied by the korean trainees because she knows how to stand up for herself.
  • has a dog named 'Chingu' and it was a gift from Jongin when she was 15 years old
  • was rumored to be dating Super Junior's Henry, but both said it was a lie
  • Amber from F(x) chose her as a girl that she would date if she was a boy
  • her favourite movie is 'The Day After Tomorrow', she knows all the lines.
  • In predebut times she appeared in SHINee's 'Why So Serious' MV and did two photoshoots with EXO to IVY Club.
  • once her members tried to make her clean the house and she faked an headache. The members decided to let her stay in bed!
  • is one of the korean idols with the biggest number of fanboys
  • she is Zelo's ex girlfriend.

WEAKNESS: chocolate (she tried to eat it more than twice, but she keeps saying that will become fat).
Clowns (they are scary and when she was little, she saw a movie where a clown killed a family and she became afraid of them)

A LINE/QUOTE FROM A SONG: "Because diamonds are a girl's bestfriend".



INT♡     Y♡ UR     W♡ RLD



PERSONALITY: Xiumin is very kind. He likes to protect everyone around him, he would even give his life to save someone elses life. Talented and very hardworking, smiles a lot no matter what. Has a huge sense of humor. His baozi cheeks are his special feature. He is a good friend, a person you could easily trust your secrets. Talented, adorkable, byuntae, sincere, caring and manly. He is very insecure of himself, he says his image is not good enough, but he doesn't know how much his fans love him, how much Meixin likes him, every part of him.

He is very shy, his biggest problem is having a weak heart, he can't say no. Xiumin plays the 'mother' role in everything he does, making everyone loving him. He normally is quiet around people he is not comfortable with, but turns into an adorkable boy around those he loves and trusts. Gentle, kind, humble and honest, he is the boy of every girls dreams.

HOW YOU MET: Meixin met Xiumin when she was still a trainee. She used to see him every single say at the same hour in the practice room, sometimes alone. What made her want to approach him, was not only his determination but the way he seemed to love music. Slowly and day by day, she would sat near the door and listen him sing, or sometimes just listening his heavy breath. The first time she spoke to him, was in a rainy day. Xiumin was once again, alone in the dance practice, practicing a song that Meixin loved. She slowly stepped inside of the room and started to sing along! For her surprise, Xiumin didn't stop, he continued to sing, looking at her through the mirror. When they both locked eyes, they started to laugh and Meixin felt really, really good. 
"You sing really well, that's my favourite music." She said. "Mine too, it's so..." "PERFECT." both of them said at the same time.
That was a meeting that she will never forget!

HOW YOU INTERACT: They act like boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes like brother and sister, other times like an old married couple. They are always there for each other, they share a lot of secrets. When EXO debuted, Meixin was the very first person to be hugged by Xiumin. She was training and he just came running to her and hugged her tightly. Meixin is hard to handle and Xiumin knows it, still he has a lot of patience with her and tries to make things in the way she wants, tries always to say good things and don't upset her. Meixin is always there to compliment him, to say how special he is, and how he doesn't need to lose weight to be loved, because she already likes him the way he is, and for her, he is the most amazing boy on earth. The only thing fat in him, is his heart, too fat with so much love, that's all, and she loves it.



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                                                          X♡ X♡ 


GROUP/OCCUPATION: Bangtan Boys, Idol

PERSONALITY: Jungkook is a boy of two faces. His first presents a stoic mask to the world; calm, collected, intelligent, he is often times admired by those around him for his suave aura. His sense of humor is rather dark and he has little respect for those whom he believes to be beneath him. He can be quite good at hiding this side of him and since he is a hard-worker and generally behaves like his age, people like him a lot. The second side of Jungkook is one of explosive dynamics. He can get violent, his temper flaring up at the tiniest of disturbances, not hesitating to yell like a freak and give someone a piece of his mind.  Even though this is who he is, he doesn’t always like it. There are moments, extremely rare moments, usually when he is intoxicated or overly exhausted, in which he wants more than anything to keep calm and be invisible, just that.

HOW YOU MET: They met each other in school. Jungkook is in the same class as Meixin. The first time they spoke to each other was because of a project work that they should be doing in pairs. He ended up doing everything because Meixin was too busy painting her nails or doing her hair. 

HOW YOU INTERACT: Like the cat and the mouse, the cat and the dog. All in all, they are not in good terms but they don't hate each other either! Is just...the first impression she had of him wasn't the best and vice versa. The best way of telling each other they actually care about one another is endless teasing.

RELATIONSHIP: Classmates, frenemies


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                                    RUN     DEVIL    RUN

RIVAL: Hyomin


PERSONALITY: Hyomin is nothing but a pretty little liar that thinks she can run the world the way she wants. She always wants to be number one in everything and defends that is acceptable to push others to get what she wants to get. She also has a cute and caring side, but that's as fake as her smile, its just for the camera to see! 

HOW YOU MET: Music Bank backstage. Hyomin was the only member of T-ARA that didn't congratulated Mystic in their debut!

HOW YOU INTERACT: They don't interact at all, simple! The less Meixin gets to see her, the better it will be! 

WHY ARE YOU RIVALS: Meixin already used to hate Hyomin before knowing her! Sounds weird? It's not, at all. When Meixin knew about the rumors of bullying that was running in T-ARA, she became so angry. That's a thing that Meixin can't stand: bullying. She couldn't be nice to her knowing what was going on, even if it was just a rumor! It wasn't just with Hyomin, it was the whole group. She is not fake, what she has to say, she will stay, so she couldn't keep shut. But with Hyomin was worse than with the rest of the group, because for some unknown reason, Hyomin started to spread rumors about Meixin. In a interview, the MC asked to Hyomin if she had an eye in some rookie group and she answered  Mystic! Why? Because Meixin was there, and she knows her from previous pictures with Henry! Like what? Like I said above, pretty little liar.

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PERSONA: The Princess of China

POSITION: Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Face of the Group

BACK-UP POSITION: Lead Rapper, Visual

POWER: Pheromone





TRAINEE LIFE: Among the other trainees, she was really popular because of her brother, and sometimes people would forget Meixin, and just know her as  'Yixing's sister', she wanted it to change, so she decided to do her own fame, because she didn't wanted to be known just because of her brother. Once someone asked her if Yixing was her role model, and she said 'i don't have a role-model, I want to be one.', and since then, she is fighting for it. She was a bit lazy, but managed to be also an hardworking princess, because she is really ambitious and her biggest goal was: debuting.

AUDITION: Got into SM through SM Youth Best Competition in the year of 2011.




ULZZANG: Park Hye Min, Pony


FASHION SENSE: Dress to impress! She always dresses what she likes! Sometimes seems like she was dressing in a dark room because the result can be so weird! She likes to match colors that normally people would match, still it looks fabulous. She loves high heels and converses! Dresses are her special choice and she wears them most of the time!

  • CASUAL:    1 | 2 | 3 
  • PRACTICE:   1 | 2 | 3 
  • AIPORT;   1 | 2 | 3 
  • SPECIAL OCCASSION:   1 | 2 | 3 




Comments/Suggestions: I hope you like Mei, I had a lot of fun making this ((:

Questions: none yet!!

Scene Requests: 

  • Meixin and Xiumin singing 'My Endless Love' at SMTOWN!
  • When Jungkook and Meixin do a special stage together at Music Bank and also are MC's.
  • Mystic on All the Kpop




                                  BIG THANKS TO: SIMPLE COLLECTION for the layout.. ^-^                      



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