*♦*♦* A New ERA || Stage Name || ERA-A/D's [group position] *♦*♦*

[remember to delete all brackets and what not in your app! :D]



[Change the pic with your faceclaim's image/gif]
〈ERA - A/D's [write persona here]〉
[Change this with the pic of your face claim]
Let’s Be Friends!

Full Name: (Last Name, First Name)

Stage Name: -

Nickname/s: -

Nationality: -

Languages: [max of five. state fluency]

Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY

Age: (Because I’m too lazy to do the math)

Place of Birth: -

Hometown: -

Height and Weight: [don't be too short/tall then don't be too skinny]

Bloodtype: -

[Change this with the pic of your face claim]
Whoa, you look nice!
Face Claim: [Riza Suzuki and Jung Eunji is taken! A reminder though, please don't choose bug-eyed ulzzangs like Hyo Jin! Choose someone who'll fit the elegant or y looks! ^^]
Backup Face Claim: [Riza Suzuki and Jung Eunji is taken!]
Style: Detailed description please. An example would be nice too
[Change this with the pic of your face claim]
Mwoh? Really? So Cool!

Personality: (minimum of 1 paragraph, quality over quantity)

Background: (minimum of 2 paragraphs)

Likes: (minimum of 5)

Dislikes: (minimum of 5)

Hobbies: (minimum of 5)

Special Skill: -

Trivia: (Go crazy)



[Change this with the pic of your face claim]
I wanna know more about you!

Family: -

Friends: -

How did you get into SM?: -

Trainee Years: -

Other Experiences: -



[change it to your face claim's pic]
Some people are so different onstage and off.

Persona: -

Personality onstage: -

Position: Go check the foreword.

Back-up position: -

Personal Fanclub name: -

Personal Fanclub colours: -

Training years: [Minimum of 3 years only]

Singing twin: [Dara is taken!]

Dancing twin: -

Rapping twin: [e.via is taken!]




tumblr_mc780xgzPo1r0r2ugo1_500.png 421671_268100869976036_1771922892_n.jpg
[change pictures with you and your love interest's pic/gif]
Hey, that guy likes you!
Name: -

Stage Name: -

Date of Birth: -

Personality: -

First Meeting: -

Interactions: -

Relationship: -

[Change picture with your rival's pic/gif]
Don’t mind her. She’s just jealous of you.*(optional)
[you can decide if you would want to have a rival or not and if you don't want to have one just delete this part]

Rival: -

Group: -

Personality: -

Reason for Rivalry: -



tumblr_mje28tfEAw1s36js4o1_500.jpg Ulzzang-gyaru-and-ulzzang-18195406-450-3
[change pictures with your love rival's pic/gif]


I think he also likes you... what will you do?*(optional and must NOT be from EXO)
[you can decide if you would want to have a love rival or not and if you don't want to have one just delete this part]

Love Rival: (Full name)

Group: -

Personality: -

Reason for Love Rivalry: -



Do you have any questions?

Comments: -

Suggestions: -

Questions: -

Clarifications: -

Violent Reactions: -

Thank you for applying! We wish you good luck! ^^


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