
I feel like doing confessions for no reason, because I feel really depressed for no reason ._.

  1. Do you know that hand in the product "Hamburger Help" or something like that yeah this one I used to be so scared of it when I was little that I had really scary nightmares about it chasing me then pinching me mercilessly on the cheeks ;_; scariest part of my childhood right dere
  2. Okay another fear of mine (WARNING: THIS IS MORE ON THE TMI AND NASTY SIDE SO IF YOU ARE NOT THAT TYPE OF PERSON SKIP) is the toilet. I get so scared to use it sometimes because I have this irrational fear that a hand will suddenly appear from the drain unspeakable things to me. AHEM.
  3. My first love ruined my life. I still sorta like him...but meh.
  4. I have really bad balance, so I tend to fall on my side for no reason when I'm only standing up.
  5. THERE ARE TOO MANY KOREANS AT MY SCHOOL OMF T^T they judge me for being a kpopper sometimes .-.
  6. I'm a REALLY BIG ERT OMG YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE HALF OF IT. In my mind I make even the most innocent things really dirty and then I laugh out loud but no one knows why so they think I'm just random e u e
  7. I successfully got senpai to notice me -.- and then he left for high school and doesn't know I won't see him next year (t.t)
  8. I used to eat ice cream for breakfast (useless confession #1)
  9. I have a phobia of spiders. Which I think is normal, but it's getter weirder because I overreact usually when I see one -.-
  10. I'M IN WAY TOO MANY FANDOMS (VIP, B2TY, BABY, EXOtic, Melody, BBC, and I'm too tired to even think of the rest -.-)

​okay I think I should go to sleep now kai bai


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Haha I'm with 4,5 and 6. They are just so applicable to me ;P
I agree with 2,4,6,9 and 10! I have a fear of snakes too for number 2. Ever since a show I watched.