
Rememberence for all the 9-11 victims may they rest in peace. 

My first blog was also about how 9-11 was such a big event that ruined many peoples lives and took away peoples loved ones. Infact the images haunted me so much i had to let it out and even wrote a oneshot about it.

Here are some facts that i jut want to share with you guys about 9-11

1) Not only the twin towers, but the third wold trade center also fell that day. It was a" 47-story steel-framed skyscraper located one block from the Twin Towers was not hit by any plane, but collapsed at 5:20 that evening"


  1. On any given workday, up to 50,000 employees worked in the WTC twin towers, and an additional 40,000 passed through the complex.
  2. 3)The rescue and recovery clean-up of the 1.8 million tons of wreckage from the World Trade Center site took 9 months
  3. 4) 9/11 was the single largest loss of life from a foreign attack on American soil.
  4. 5)18 people were rescued alive from the rubble of the World Trade Center site
  5. 6) once again as i had mentioned in my earlier blog, many of the people committed suicide by jumping. These images can still be viewed today and have been captured on camera. What appears to be debris, is actually people falling to thier deaths.  (i went back and checked only to see that it dissappeared when i restarted my account after having temporarily deleated it but i wont be posting those images on here simple because they might scar you deeply like they did to me)

This is just to remember the innocent lives lost that day.


ref: http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-911


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cookiemon #1
Yeah today is a really depressing day to remember.
In history class we watched a clip of 9-11 and saw people jumping off buildings and people trapped in the buildings it all looked so surreal like a movie yet it was the real thing.
Its just really sad how it all happened. I wish more people appreciated and respect what happened on this day.