ABCs about me~~

ABC About You Questions :

A - AVAILABLE: Like...almost never.. xP

B - BIRTHDAY: September 6

C - CRUSHING ON: Ha MinWoo of ZE:A (>:D haha eat it Chris xP)

D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Banana Milk~~

E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Chris Cho, Jessica... HaeSeon.... that's it D: (in singular just HaeSeon xDD)

F - FAVORITE SONGS: "Friend's Graduation/Wanna Be Your Love/친구졸업" by F.Cuz now... or "You Wouldn't Answer My Calls/전활 받지 않은 너에게" by 2AM now... it changes often xP "Miss You" S.M. The Ballad, "Love Coach" ZE:A, all of ZE:A's <3

H - HOMETOWN: Busan, Korea

I - IN LOVE WITH: Myself xDD (jk) Friends, family, Chris~ <3, uhhh my goldfisshie~ and my oldr bro the mostest~~ :))

J - JUGGLE: I know how :) we were required to for English (HATE YOU, ENGLISH[teacher])


L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Busan to Seoul (HATED THAT XPPP like four hours on bus and then idek how long by our ca and slow bro driver xP)

M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Kimchi (my messed up family. Little brothers invention xP I wish I had sisters..)

N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2 older bros one younger~

O - ONE WISH: uhh.. to pass university xDD

P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: HaeSeon bby~~! xD (for math xDD)

R- REASON TO SMILE: Friends and family ;))

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD:  ZE:A - "Man 2 Man"

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 4:30 -____- fck university


V - VEGETABLE(S): Cabbage~~! :DD

W - WORST HABIT: Procrastinate xDD perfectionist.. uhh listen to everyone/push over

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Shoulder and jaw after car crash..

Y - YOYOS ARE: .. Interesting and challenging xDD

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: idk.. Google~ Virgo xP Horse for Chinese~~

Random Questions About You:

Spell your name without vowels: Tffny m (Choi isn't my real last name xD Who can guess it???)

Your favorite number: 33~

What color/s do you wear most?: White, Gold, Silver, Black, Scarlet/Red/Crimson, Yellow, Green, Pink, Blue (wide variety I have xD)

Least favorite color?: Orange xP

What are you listening to?: MBLAQ - "Cry" (epic, yo~)

Are you happy with your life right now?: ehhh sure...

What is your favorite class in school?: Math, Science, P.E.~~~!!

Who is your best friend?: Chris Cho, Jessica Yoon, Kristy Yang, HaeSeon Bahn, Lillian Park, Sarah Kim, Jacob Chang, Henry Yoo, Joshua Park, Calvin Ha, Michael Shim (Asians... -___- predicted wasn't it?)

Are you outgoing?: No lol

Favorite pair of shoes?: Silver, black, and white nikes~~

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Sometimes xD

Can you whistle?: Yeah~

Write with both hands?: Yupp~~ ^^

Cross your eyes?: Yeah

Walk with your toes curled?: I look like a penguin when I do xD


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: No

Do you believe in miracles?: No

Do you believe in magic?: No

Love at first sight?: No (LOL RUINED CHILDHOOD LOOK UP xD)

Do you believe in Satan?: ?

Do you like roller coasters?: Sometimes... depends

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: Yeah (TRUE KOREANS CAN EAT ANYTHING xD the girl on fear factor said...)


Have you ever asked someone out?: Yeah

Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yeh

Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yes Busan~~ Haeundae haha the beach's experience was better as my childhood and after watching the movie xDD

Have you ever painted your nails?: Yeah..


What is the temperature outside?: Cold.. Freezing xD

What radio station do you listen to?: Sky Lake Station... other Korean stations I forgot.. (when I'm in Korea) in U.S. ... uhh idk none.. iPod and CDs ftw xDD

What was the last restaurant you ate at?: idr..

What was the last thing you bought?: Ramen xD and a jar of kimchi because we ran out xP oh and Infinite's New Mini Album for my bro's b-day xD

What was the last thing on TV you watched?: I think it was We Got Married.. haven't watched TV all week xP


Who was the last person you IM'd?: Michael

Who was the last person you took a picture of?: HaeSeon

Who was the last person you said "I love you too"?: HaeSeon and this guy who I hate and hates me xD

Ever really cried your heart out?: Yeah...

Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yeah..

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Nah.. I'd be too embarrassed xP

Ever cried over the opposite ?: Yeah (Hiro Chang, Brendan Ok, Michael Yoo xD)

Do you cry when you get an injury?: If it seriously hurts

Do certain songs make you cry?: Ballads.. "Miss You" S.M. The Ballad really D:


Are you a happy person?: Not really xD My brother said, "You depress me, noona." xD


What is your current hair color?: Black with brownish highlights from chlorine at swim team xD


What shirt are you wearing?: Super Junior shirt from SPAO :D

Shoes?: House Slippers

Necklaces?: Cross, couple necklace, star necklace

Underwear?: Yeah...


Favorite eye color: Brown/black

Short or long hair: not extremely long or short xD but I think either style fits Asians (as you may notice, my ideal type is Asian xO)

Height: Taller than me or at my eyes level xD


Been to jail: No

Thought about suicide: yeah...

Thrown up in a store: YEAH LOL xDDDD

Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: So much... xD mainly everything I do

Seen a dead body: No

Been on drugs: No xP


Pepsi or Coke: Neither? (coke... I guess [don't drink either])

McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King (Supersize Me = Best movie xD)

Couple or Group Dates: Couple~

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries

Meat or Veggies: Veggies

TV or Movie: TV

Guitar or Drums: Guitar

Adidas or Nike: Nike

Chinese or Mexican: Chinese

Nokia or Samsung: Samsung~~~~


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