Okay, so this idea has been rolling along in my head for awhile and i'm finally going to put it out there!!I Calling all fellow writers...I want to do a tag story, i think it would be fun seeing as all the ladies i've had the opportunity to befriend, subscribe to, and secretly story stalk are really good writers .

I'd probably be the one to start the story off ...or who'd ever like to volunteer first and then it would be passed around to each writer respectively.

-You can take the story anywhere you please as long as its in your possession

-You can add characters/subplots to the story if you wish


-Have fun!!!!!

Anyone interested?

If so leave me a message in the comments or on my wall so we can get this thingy started...

Until Then,

Bye Bye


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That sounds cool! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with. I'll be the first subscriber! Haha
Wow this idea is really good!! a pity I can't write XD
I'm down! Seems like it'll be fun