I have the latest photoshop in my computer now :D

Went to add another 2TB hard disk into my CPU and changed my graphic card in my usual DIY computer shop. AND, they're so kind to help me fix my photoshop, giving me a new one :D So now, MUAHAHAHAH! I can SOOOOO do everything with my photoshop ^^ I'm changing to a new pink keyboard soon, I think. Gosh, these stuff just can never be enough for me, HAHA! 

To end it all~ Here's photos taken with my 600D. Seems like the noise level is high as I zoom in more.. Feat. MY BRO, HAHA! Teehee~! *Derp face on* On the side note, excuse that shag face, I only had my contact lens in xD

It's not fair how he get all that skinny genes! I want them too! ):


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Wow..your bro is skinny~
Your so cute! *pinch your cheeks*
I feel ya! My bro and sis got all the skinny genes! I got the chubby genes! T___T
I get you gemmie-ah , My bro has that skinny genes while I .... T.T stay with the you know ....