I can't ing take this

I would just like to know how being 20 years old and homeless, legally independent of my parents or any of the many legal guardians I’ve had (foster parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, family friends) and working 40 hours a week at ing MCDONALDS for barely above minimum wage so I can pay rent at a homeless shelter and buy food means I shouldn’t qualify for government assistance when I try to go back to school. Do these people not ing understand that I have literally nothing and I’m trying to ing make something of myself? I’M HOMELESS AND I HAVE NO ONE. I want to at least not feel guilty for being hungry, but they won’t even help with that.


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*pulls you in for hugz*
I'm so sorry you're in this predicament, sweetie. :( I wish I knew how to help you. T_T
minkth #2
whaaat? you should qualify. I qualify.... I would give a call and find out wtf is going on. it's also possible maybe one little thing was filled out wrong because they can and will be about it because they don't want to give us monies.
I checked a box wrong when declaring my major and it disqualified me for any more financial aid *sigh* we fixed it and sent in an appeal but idk...
Wow I always knew the American financial aid system was corrupted but I didn't realize HOW bad it was... If that doesn't qualify for financial aid then I don't know what would...I wish I could help some how, you seem like such a nice person and don't deserve this at all (although no one deserves it, so...)
D, I'm sorry you have it so rough. I really don't understand how a lot of things work so stupidly in this country. It's really not fair. I wish I could help you in some way. But stay strong, because you've already conquered so much, and you will keep going for sure!