Idolizing Someone


okay so I just finished reading all three pocket books that I borrowed from missdollar… kyaaaaaa it brings back memories and omo I so love the story and the author (Sonia Francesca) phew hope that I could read more ^^


I was indeed rolling around my bed while squealing due to the romantic scenes, cried hard when rejection and broken hearted scenes pops up and laugh too much when a character happens to be in a funny situation… now I look like I’m freaking possessed…


Well I really like the stories and the writing skills of Sonia it was just so awesome! It’s as if she could manage to crack a joke even in the most serious situation and she can still find a way to insert the stallion riding club (the main club where the guy members are connected) in every impossible love situation… the characters, their background and the unexpected appearances… though she was already on her batch 4 (with lots of stories that she have already completed) she can still put on the magic for a story to be unique from the other… she mixed the characters so well but you would be able to distinguish one’s story from another and the funny part still lingers a lot… her stories had never been so lame…


huwaaaaaaaaa I wish that someday I could write like her…


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Sonia francesca.......
haha..i love sonia francesca...rose tan...their stallion boys! haha