My bestfriend.

I have a friend.  


A very close one.


Were bestfriends since December last year. 


She was bullied by my other classmates,


I Am the only one who did care for her since the start.


We're always together,


there were actually 4 of us,


But were closer.


When she has a problem .


I always advice her,


The greatest advice that i could think of.


When she miss someone.


I always offer my shoulder so she could lean on something to ease the feeling. 


When she and her boyfriend,


Fought about something immature,


I confroted the guy, 


When she and her boyfriend broke up,


I console her,


When nobody cared for her,


I did.



When nobody sees her pain,


I did, 



When nobody else was there for her.


I was. 


I am always near her.


I am.


I know she's a little sensitive


That's why when she feel left out,


She wont bother to talk.


A moody one,


You could define her. 


But i Love her,




Were Fine,


Until this September.


A friend of her's birthday,


While Me  with some friends are scheduled to do a project.


I asked her a night before If she will come with us, 


She answered yes.


She also said " I won't come if you would not"


 I Smiled at her. 


The day has come,


Her friends' Actual birthday, Celebration.


 she would come with us, She said.


We went out of the gate together,


But she did not come with us,


She didn't even look back at us.


She did go, with her friend.


A friend of her for approximately 3 months. 


What does that boy has,


That her bestfriends dont? 


 I did not even  hear a single goodbye.


 What should I suppose to feel now? 


What should I suppose to say? 




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