Yura scandal?

Okay, so now Yura is getting bashed for supposedky 'glaring' at Miss A's Suzy.

First of all, Yura is always giving out those looks. Plus, I'm pretty sure it was just the angle that made it look like she was glaring at her. There was another video where it basically was a bit zoomed out (?) and there was a man on the floor doing something. So I'm pretty sure Yura was looking at what he was doing. Netizens should really think before talking and spreading rumors because I find it pretty stupid for people to start drama. Yura seems like a pretty sweet girl. Although I'm not a fan of Miss A or Suzy (doesn't mean I hate them) I'm sure that Suzy is a sweet girl as well. So people need to stop with all this drama.


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You meant..Girl's Day's Yura? The funny innocent pretty and the one that laugh crazily and hit the white wall in Weekly Idol? Seriously? That girl? Netizens are blind like seriously. Oh God.
True true. Yura's eyes is like that too. If they would notice it. And She us clearly not looking at suzy -.-""