My POV and the likes

What's with all the POV changes?


Ok....I admit SOMETIMES, depending on the type of fic or plot, it works.  Too many POV's...especially when the POV of a minor character suddenly pops up, diminishes the effect of the story.


As readers, we tend to WANT to know what everyone is thinking and/or doing in the story, and it's up to the author's descretion, of course, to let us know.  However, a tell-all fic is not very interesting.  It sort becomes boring because then I KNOW that in a couple of breaths I'm going to know why said character did a certain act.  No mystery.


Also, re-telling the same scene in another POV is tedious when all you do is change character A to character B. Or worse the same same from the perspective of ALL of fic characters.  /sigh/ Admit it, if you pick a boy/girl band with more than five members, its really tiring to read that Angie, Parker, Suky and robin's band of merry men saw Danny walking away in a fit of anger in the same breath.


Switching POV means you have to tell the story from the other's POV.  It should feel like it's another person looking at the same apple. Just because Mary sees the apple as red doesn't that Jamie will see it as red too.   Jamie could just think it looks like a  heart or a deformed ball.  


For most 'POV-switcher' authors, maybe an omniscient perspective is better.  This way, you get to tell all without repeating the scene twice /not counting flashbacks/ and we, the readers get into the head of the characters.


I think it's better, if you start from a 1st person POV, then it's best to stick to that person.  If you think your story is more suited to switiching the POV then maybe switching per chapter would flow better.  /shrugs/

As for the third persons POV...the infamous 'YOU' tag. /o\ ok.  Most of the stories I've read with this are not my cup of tea but I give all stories a chance.  I TRY REALLY REALLY hard to read to the end.sometimes I don't finish for one reason another but I manage to finish most.  BUT...the big but...most fics I've read don't use this POV correctly.  You can't mix the omniscient narrator with the third person's all kinds of wrong.

for example (and i'll use a non-kpop name so no one says I'm bashing a fandom and/or person)

"Rodrigo opened the door, confused as to what type of inconsiderate creature could be beating down his door at three in the morning.  To say he was surprised to see you would be an understatment"


"Mateus couldn't control the anger he felt when he saw ________(insert your name here) being all kinds of cosy with his best friend.  The promises they made to each other just that morning became lies to him. ________ was a a conniving two-timer."

I've read stories that mix the two example above.

It is so much better to use an OC, that has been developed to fit the story instead of just a convenient stop gap to push the story along /not counting if the plot indicates the person will more than likely never appear again or play a major role/

There are tons of other stuff that irk me in stories but since this is about POV's and such, let's leave it at that.  So here ends my mini-rant.


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masianteamgo #1
This is so accurate, really. Thank you and AMEN.